1 Background

Researchers have assessed the proteome in different regions of the heart for 3 patients (identifiers 3, 4, and 8). For each patient they sampled the left atrium (LA), right atrium (RA), left ventricle (LV) and the right ventricle (RV). The data are a small subset of the public dataset PXD006675 on PRIDE.

Suppose that researchers are mainly interested in comparing the ventricular to the atrial proteome. Particularly, they would like to compare the left atrium to the left ventricle, the right atrium to the right ventricle, the average ventricular vs atrial proteome and if ventricular vs atrial proteome shifts differ between left and right heart region.

2 Data

We first import the peptides.txt file. This is the file that contains your peptide-level intensities. For a MaxQuant search [6], this peptides.txt file can be found by default in the “path_to_raw_files/combined/txt/” folder from the MaxQuant output, with “path_to_raw_files” the folder where raw files were saved. In this tutorial, we will use a MaxQuant peptides file from MaxQuant that can be found in the data tree of the SGA2020 github repository https://github.com/statOmics/SGA2020/tree/data/quantification/heart .

To import the data we use the QFeatures package.

We generate the object peptideRawFile with the path to the peptideRaws.txt file. Using the grepEcols function, we find the columns that contain the expression data of the peptideRaws in the peptideRaws.txt file.


peptidesFile <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/statOmics/PDA21/data/quantification/heart/peptides.txt"

ecols <- grep("Intensity\\.", names(read.delim(peptidesFile)))

pe <- readQFeatures(
  table = peptidesFile,
  fnames = 1,
  ecol = ecols,
  name = "peptideRaw", sep="\t")

## An instance of class QFeatures containing 1 assays:
##  [1] peptideRaw: SummarizedExperiment with 31319 rows and 12 columns
## class: SummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 31319 12 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): ''
## rowData names(91): Sequence N.term.cleavage.window ...
##   Oxidation..M..site.IDs MS.MS.Count
## colnames(12): Intensity.LA3 Intensity.LA4 ... Intensity.RV4
##   Intensity.RV8
## colData names(0):

We will make use from data wrangling functionalities from the tidyverse package. The %>% operator allows us to pipe the output of one function to the next function.

colData(pe)$location <- substr(
  11) %>%
  unlist %>%  

colData(pe)$tissue <- substr(
    12) %>%
    unlist %>%  

colData(pe)$patient <- substr(
  13) %>%
  unlist %>%  

We calculate how many non zero intensities we have per peptide and this will be useful for filtering.

rowData(pe[["peptideRaw"]])$nNonZero <- rowSums(assay(pe[["peptideRaw"]]) > 0)

Peptides with zero intensities are missing peptides and should be represent with a NA value rather than 0.

pe <- zeroIsNA(pe, "peptideRaw") # convert 0 to NA

2.1 Data exploration

63% of all peptide intensities are missing and for some peptides we do not even measure a signal in any sample. The missingness is similar across samples.

3 Preprocessing

This section preforms standard preprocessing for the peptide data. This include log transformation, filtering and summarisation of the data.

3.1 Log transform the data

pe <- logTransform(pe, base = 2, i = "peptideRaw", name = "peptideLog")

3.2 Filtering

3.2.1 Handling overlapping protein groups

In our approach a peptide can map to multiple proteins, as long as there is none of these proteins present in a smaller subgroup.

pe <- filterFeatures(pe, ~ Proteins %in% smallestUniqueGroups(rowData(pe[["peptideLog"]])$Proteins))

3.2.2 Remove reverse sequences (decoys) and contaminants

We now remove the contaminants, peptides that map to decoy sequences, and proteins which were only identified by peptides with modifications.

First look to the names of the variables for the peptide features

pe[["peptideLog"]] %>%
  rowData %>%
##  [1] "Sequence"                "N.term.cleavage.window" 
##  [3] "C.term.cleavage.window"  "Amino.acid.before"      
##  [5] "First.amino.acid"        "Second.amino.acid"      
##  [7] "Second.last.amino.acid"  "Last.amino.acid"        
##  [9] "Amino.acid.after"        "A.Count"                
## [11] "R.Count"                 "N.Count"                
## [13] "D.Count"                 "C.Count"                
## [15] "Q.Count"                 "E.Count"                
## [17] "G.Count"                 "H.Count"                
## [19] "I.Count"                 "L.Count"                
## [21] "K.Count"                 "M.Count"                
## [23] "F.Count"                 "P.Count"                
## [25] "S.Count"                 "T.Count"                
## [27] "W.Count"                 "Y.Count"                
## [29] "V.Count"                 "U.Count"                
## [31] "O.Count"                 "Length"                 
## [33] "Missed.cleavages"        "Mass"                   
## [35] "Proteins"                "Leading.razor.protein"  
## [37] "Start.position"          "End.position"           
## [39] "Gene.names"              "Protein.names"          
## [41] "Unique..Groups."         "Unique..Proteins."      
## [43] "Charges"                 "PEP"                    
## [45] "Score"                   "Identification.type.LA3"
## [47] "Identification.type.LA4" "Identification.type.LA8"
## [49] "Identification.type.LV3" "Identification.type.LV4"
## [51] "Identification.type.LV8" "Identification.type.RA3"
## [53] "Identification.type.RA4" "Identification.type.RA8"
## [55] "Identification.type.RV3" "Identification.type.RV4"
## [57] "Identification.type.RV8" "Fraction.Average"       
## [59] "Fraction.Std..Dev."      "Fraction.1"             
## [61] "Fraction.2"              "Fraction.3"             
## [63] "Fraction.4"              "Fraction.5"             
## [65] "Fraction.6"              "Fraction.7"             
## [67] "Fraction.8"              "Fraction.100"           
## [69] "Experiment.LA3"          "Experiment.LA4"         
## [71] "Experiment.LA8"          "Experiment.LV3"         
## [73] "Experiment.LV4"          "Experiment.LV8"         
## [75] "Experiment.RA3"          "Experiment.RA4"         
## [77] "Experiment.RA8"          "Experiment.RV3"         
## [79] "Experiment.RV4"          "Experiment.RV8"         
## [81] "Intensity"               "Reverse"                
## [83] "Potential.contaminant"   "id"                     
## [85] "Protein.group.IDs"       "Mod..peptide.IDs"       
## [87] "Evidence.IDs"            "MS.MS.IDs"              
## [89] "Best.MS.MS"              "Oxidation..M..site.IDs" 
## [91] "MS.MS.Count"             "nNonZero"

No information on decoys.

pe <- filterFeatures(pe,~ Potential.contaminant != "+")

3.2.3 Drop peptides that were only identified in one sample

We keep peptides that were observed at last twice.

pe <- filterFeatures(pe,~nNonZero >= 2)
## [1] 17432

We keep 17432 peptides after filtering.

3.3 Normalize the data

pe <- normalize(pe, 
                i = "peptideLog", 
                name = "peptideNorm", 
                method = "center.median")

3.4 Explore normalized data

After normalisation the density curves for all samples are comparable.


This is more clearly seen is a boxplot.

boxplot(assay(pe[["peptideNorm"]]), col = palette()[-1],
       main = "Peptide distribtutions after normalisation", ylab = "intensity")

We can visualize our data using a Multi Dimensional Scaling plot, eg. as provided by the limma package.

  col = colData(pe)$location:colData(pe)$tissue %>%
  labels = colData(pe) %>%
    rownames %>%  
    substr(start = 11, stop = 13)

The first axis in the plot is showing the leading log fold changes (differences on the log scale) between the samples.

3.5 Summarization to protein level

We use robust summarization in aggregateFeatures. This is the default workflow of aggregateFeatures so you do not have to specifiy the argument fun. However, because we compare methods we have included the fun argument to show the summarization method explicitely.

pe <- aggregateFeatures(pe,
 i = "peptideNorm",
 fcol = "Proteins",
 na.rm = TRUE,
 name = "proteinRobust",
 fun = MsCoreUtils::robustSummary)
## Your quantitative and row data contain missing values. Please read the
## relevant section(s) in the aggregateFeatures manual page regarding the
## effects of missing values on data aggregation.
  col = colData(pe)$location:colData(pe)$tissue %>%
  labels = colData(pe) %>%
    rownames %>%  
    substr(start = 11, stop = 13)

4 Data Analysis

4.1 Estimation

We model the protein level expression values using msqrob. By default msqrob2 estimates the model parameters using robust regression.

pe <- msqrob(
  object = pe,
  i = "proteinRobust",
  formula = ~ location*tissue + patient)

4.2 Inference

Explore Design

VisualizeDesign(colData(pe),~ location*tissue + patient)$plotlist
## $`location = L`

## $`location = R`

design <- model.matrix(~location*tissue + patient, data = colData(pe))
L <- makeContrast(
    "tissueV = 0",
    "tissueV + locationR:tissueV = 0",
    "tissueV + 0.5*locationR:tissueV = 0","locationR:tissueV = 0"),
  parameterNames = colnames(design)

pe <- hypothesisTest(object = pe, i = "proteinRobust", contrast = L, overwrite=TRUE)

4.3 Evaluate results contrast \(\log_2 FC_{V-A}^L\)

4.3.1 Volcano-plot

volcanoLeft <- ggplot(rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV",
                 aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(pval), color = adjPval < 0.05)) +
 geom_point(cex = 2.5) +
 scale_color_manual(values = alpha(c("black", "red"), 0.5)) + theme_minimal()

4.3.2 Heatmap

We first select the names of the proteins that were declared signficant.

sigNamesLeft <- rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$tissueV %>%
 rownames_to_column("proteinRobust") %>%
 filter(adjPval<0.05) %>%
heatmap(assay(pe[["proteinRobust"]])[sigNamesLeft, ])

There are 199 proteins significantly differentially expressed at the 5% FDR level.

rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$tissueV %>%
  cbind(.,rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$Protein.names) %>%
  na.exclude %>%
  filter(adjPval<0.05) %>%
  arrange(pval)  %>%
logFC se df t pval adjPval rowData(pe[[“proteinRobust”]])$Protein.names
P08590 7.9679512 0.4374889 9.368515 18.212924 0.0000000 0.0000254 Myosin light chain 3
P12883 4.6698827 0.3716767 9.183035 12.564369 0.0000004 0.0004375 Myosin-7
P10916 6.9261087 0.5291437 7.368515 13.089278 0.0000023 0.0015481 Myosin regulatory light chain 2, ventricular/cardiac muscle isoform
Q6UWY5 -3.2536428 0.3829023 9.114628 -8.497319 0.0000126 0.0046717 Olfactomedin-like protein 1
O75368 -2.2715945 0.2715643 9.290627 -8.364851 0.0000127 0.0046717 SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein
P46821 -2.1668803 0.2632989 9.368515 -8.229734 0.0000138 0.0046717 Microtubule-associated protein 1B;MAP1B heavy chain;MAP1 light chain LC1
O95865 -2.1732192 0.2826515 9.368515 -7.688688 0.0000242 0.0065429 N(G),N(G)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2
Q8N474 -3.3090235 0.3804612 7.898848 -8.697400 0.0000258 0.0065429 Secreted frizzled-related protein 1
Q9ULL5-3 -3.4165405 0.3999070 7.847494 -8.543337 0.0000305 0.0068822 Proline-rich protein 12
P14854 2.4019126 0.3058151 8.432836 7.854135 0.0000371 0.0069604 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1
P21810 -3.2145420 0.4216870 8.758163 -7.623053 0.0000378 0.0069604 Biglycan
O94875-10 2.3744000 0.3186369 8.906280 7.451743 0.0000411 0.0069604 Sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 2
P05546 -1.9318824 0.2700130 9.273028 -7.154775 0.0000458 0.0071552 Heparin cofactor 2
P29622 -2.1134793 0.3013699 9.368515 -7.012908 0.0000510 0.0073991 Kallistatin
Q16647 -2.7991521 0.3962545 9.029611 -7.064026 0.0000580 0.0078539 Prostacyclin synthase
P02452 -2.9630153 0.3999276 8.293636 -7.408880 0.0000626 0.0079564 Collagen alpha-1(I) chain
P51884 -2.1343314 0.3161009 9.158739 -6.752058 0.0000768 0.0091792 Lumican
Q8TBQ9 -2.8189960 0.4060776 8.624259 -6.942013 0.0000831 0.0093820 Protein kish-A
P07451 -1.8489373 0.2896550 9.368515 -6.383241 0.0001070 0.0096464 Carbonic anhydrase 3
P36955 -2.3377901 0.3356710 8.144923 -6.964528 0.0001071 0.0096464 Pigment epithelium-derived factor
P00325 -2.1119462 0.3236463 8.985368 -6.525476 0.0001090 0.0096464 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1B
Q9UBG0 -2.5547510 0.3974794 9.173764 -6.427380 0.0001114 0.0096464 C-type mannose receptor 2
P24844 -2.4962161 0.3930243 9.313301 -6.351303 0.0001142 0.0096464 Myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9
P23083 -4.2325442 0.5732163 7.368515 -7.383852 0.0001175 0.0096464 Ig heavy chain V-I region V35
P51888 -3.0081810 0.4005142 7.160706 -7.510798 0.0001214 0.0096464 Prolargin
Q15113 -2.7424988 0.4328085 9.187189 -6.336518 0.0001234 0.0096464 Procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 1
Q53GQ0 -2.4232423 0.3906302 9.358937 -6.203418 0.0001341 0.0098194 Very-long-chain 3-oxoacyl-CoA reductase
Q06828 -4.2030186 0.6622251 8.970372 -6.346813 0.0001353 0.0098194 Fibromodulin
P13533 -4.0404076 0.6482168 9.099741 -6.233112 0.0001457 0.0100599 Myosin-6
P35442 -2.3010500 0.3521288 8.368515 -6.534683 0.0001485 0.0100599 Thrombospondin-2
P08294 -2.7503241 0.4255264 7.962984 -6.463345 0.0001995 0.0129987 Extracellular superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]
Q96LL9 -2.4127080 0.3982253 8.758485 -6.058651 0.0002105 0.0129987 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 30
P18428 -1.9996058 0.3386007 9.140026 -5.905498 0.0002141 0.0129987 Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein
P36021 -3.1085951 0.5037977 8.368515 -6.170324 0.0002227 0.0129987 Monocarboxylate transporter 8
Q9UL18 -2.6225313 0.4093767 7.861683 -6.406156 0.0002239 0.0129987 Protein argonaute-1
Q92508 4.0552373 0.5571260 6.368515 7.278852 0.0002599 0.0145383 Piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1
P46060 -1.9620904 0.3259590 8.368515 -6.019440 0.0002647 0.0145383 Ran GTPase-activating protein 1
P02743 -2.1700557 0.3848202 9.368515 -5.639142 0.0002744 0.0146745 Serum amyloid P-component;Serum amyloid P-component(1-203)
Q14764 -1.6267934 0.2899230 9.368515 -5.611122 0.0002847 0.0148018 Major vault protein
Q9UGT4 -2.3006162 0.4078692 9.193191 -5.640573 0.0002936 0.0148018 Sushi domain-containing protein 2
P05997 -3.0856148 0.5406155 8.941541 -5.707596 0.0002987 0.0148018 Collagen alpha-2(V) chain
Q8WWA0 -5.8725166 0.9874403 8.104172 -5.947211 0.0003262 0.0149352 Intelectin-1
O43677 -2.7199107 0.4714061 8.431964 -5.769782 0.0003446 0.0149352 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 subunit C1, mitochondrial
Q9P2B2 -2.0393915 0.3730159 9.368515 -5.467304 0.0003447 0.0149352 Prostaglandin F2 receptor negative regulator
O60760 -3.5990151 0.6214516 8.368515 -5.791304 0.0003456 0.0149352 Hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase
Q9UBB5 2.7451793 0.3964212 6.368515 6.924906 0.0003459 0.0149352 Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2
Q9BW30 -2.7245919 0.4890210 9.000584 -5.571523 0.0003466 0.0149352 Tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3
P40261 -2.3445730 0.4269444 9.222067 -5.491518 0.0003528 0.0149352 Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase
P00748 -1.9914680 0.3694913 9.104470 -5.389757 0.0004219 0.0171336 Coagulation factor XII;Coagulation factor XIIa heavy chain;Beta-factor XIIa part 1;Coagulation factor XIIa light chain
Q9NZ01 -2.4109216 0.4362074 8.634144 -5.527007 0.0004252 0.0171336 Very-long-chain enoyl-CoA reductase
O14967 -2.3785961 0.4289896 8.528665 -5.544647 0.0004345 0.0171336 Calmegin
Q92736-2 -3.3064395 0.6040506 8.714858 -5.473779 0.0004401 0.0171336 Ryanodine receptor 2
P12110 -1.9881397 0.3531159 8.170387 -5.630275 0.0004567 0.0171336 Collagen alpha-2(VI) chain
Q07954 -1.6573532 0.3151713 9.368515 -5.258579 0.0004573 0.0171336 Prolow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1;Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 85 kDa subunit;Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 515 kDa subunit;Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 intracellular domain
O00180 -4.2526703 0.7667780 8.368515 -5.546156 0.0004638 0.0171336 Potassium channel subfamily K member 1
O95980 -2.5277905 0.4553842 8.147873 -5.550896 0.0005067 0.0183856 Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs
P31994-2 -1.5795166 0.3015180 9.070422 -5.238548 0.0005224 0.0186215 Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II-b
O00264 -1.9731043 0.3784635 9.045535 -5.213459 0.0005450 0.0190953 Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1
Q8TBP6 -1.9233155 0.3698169 8.980202 -5.200723 0.0005675 0.0193967 Solute carrier family 25 member 40
Q14195-2 -2.5380012 0.4959159 9.231543 -5.117806 0.0005816 0.0193967 Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 3
Q8WZA9 -1.4960398 0.2916303 9.179407 -5.129918 0.0005823 0.0193967 Immunity-related GTPase family Q protein
Q9BXN1 -2.6634064 0.5179868 8.960478 -5.141842 0.0006183 0.0202651 Asporin
O43464 -1.9028432 0.3752066 9.114853 -5.071455 0.0006448 0.0207572 Serine protease HTRA2, mitochondrial
P01699 -4.3035389 0.6883933 6.250045 -6.251570 0.0006632 0.0207572 Ig lambda chain V-I region VOR
P41240 -1.5466953 0.3045232 8.998465 -5.079072 0.0006640 0.0207572 Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK
Q9GZY4 -3.1557642 0.5785126 7.724104 -5.454961 0.0006821 0.0207572 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 1 homolog
P06858 1.7891922 0.3581598 9.250634 4.995514 0.0006844 0.0207572 Lipoprotein lipase
Q8NAT1 -1.3792038 0.2787555 9.308991 -4.947719 0.0007181 0.0214576 Protein O-linked-mannose beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2
P04083 -1.5201990 0.3087264 9.368515 -4.924098 0.0007286 0.0214576 Annexin A1
P02747 -2.6697776 0.4696931 6.991839 -5.684089 0.0007507 0.0217904 Complement C1q subcomponent subunit C
Q92621 -1.7036447 0.3507623 9.365549 -4.856978 0.0008023 0.0226632 Nuclear pore complex protein Nup205
Q9NY15 -2.1436460 0.4431113 9.351844 -4.837714 0.0008281 0.0226632 Stabilin-1
A6NMZ7 -2.2762344 0.4709221 9.368515 -4.833569 0.0008288 0.0226632 Collagen alpha-6(VI) chain
O14980 -1.2169774 0.2518597 9.368515 -4.831966 0.0008307 0.0226632 Exportin-1
P02775 -1.9622566 0.4071230 9.368515 -4.819813 0.0008453 0.0226632 Platelet basic protein;Connective tissue-activating peptide III;TC-2;Connective tissue-activating peptide III(1-81);Beta-thromboglobulin;Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(74);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(73);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2;TC-1;Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(1-66);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(1-63)
Q96C86 -1.4762676 0.3026715 9.097353 -4.877458 0.0008476 0.0226632 m7GpppX diphosphatase
Q92604 -2.2504519 0.4678630 9.300540 -4.810066 0.0008750 0.0229136 Acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1
P48681 -1.3334013 0.2782133 9.365549 -4.792731 0.0008796 0.0229136 Nestin
P50552 -1.5288544 0.3231881 8.984989 -4.730540 0.0010780 0.0267434 Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein
P24311 1.7937075 0.3866420 9.368515 4.639194 0.0010974 0.0267434 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7B, mitochondrial
Q7L4S7 -1.7124303 0.3243759 7.101207 -5.279154 0.0010976 0.0267434 Protein ARMCX6
Q9UNW9 4.0122337 0.8559118 9.090331 4.687672 0.0011095 0.0267434 RNA-binding protein Nova-2
P49207 -1.5105253 0.3206276 8.972582 -4.711151 0.0011119 0.0267434 60S ribosomal protein L34
Q8WY22 -1.8091979 0.3730521 8.368515 -4.849719 0.0011190 0.0267434 BRI3-binding protein
P46063 -1.3496984 0.2888777 9.131319 -4.672214 0.0011205 0.0267434 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q1
P56539 -2.0161968 0.4208419 8.547212 -4.790866 0.0011398 0.0267434 Caveolin-3
Q53GG5-2 -2.9088697 0.6016365 8.357999 -4.834929 0.0011450 0.0267434 PDZ and LIM domain protein 3
Q5M9N0 -3.5146838 0.7310629 8.333797 -4.807635 0.0011967 0.0275602 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 158
Q6SZW1 -2.6395602 0.5186975 7.368515 -5.088824 0.0012127 0.0275602 Sterile alpha and TIR motif-containing protein 1
Q9HAV4 -2.4188578 0.4846305 7.618651 -4.991138 0.0012311 0.0275602 Exportin-5
Q5NDL2 -2.2948242 0.4878301 8.665876 -4.704146 0.0012342 0.0275602 EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase
Q9BXR6 -2.3571850 0.5178806 9.365549 -4.551600 0.0012486 0.0275773 Complement factor H-related protein 5
Q92681 -2.1962163 0.4494647 7.880492 -4.886293 0.0012685 0.0276163 Regulatory solute carrier protein family 1 member 1
O15230 -1.4246624 0.3044130 8.637704 -4.680032 0.0012870 0.0276163 Laminin subunit alpha-5
Q8TDB6 -1.7610737 0.3837173 9.050201 -4.589509 0.0012911 0.0276163 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase DTX3L
Q96H79 -3.2031583 0.5750970 6.149079 -5.569770 0.0013082 0.0276900 Zinc finger CCCH-type antiviral protein 1-like
P14550 -1.3982496 0.3048645 8.804116 -4.586463 0.0013931 0.0289445 Alcohol dehydrogenase [NADP(+)]
Q15274 -1.9285076 0.4005465 7.864253 -4.814691 0.0013959 0.0289445 Nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase [carboxylating]
Q9BUF5 -1.9157084 0.4272933 9.249220 -4.483357 0.0014245 0.0292392 Tubulin beta-6 chain
O15111 -1.9484725 0.3816220 6.904513 -5.105766 0.0014498 0.0293778 Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha
Q12996 -2.0094808 0.3792730 6.441996 -5.298244 0.0014664 0.0293778 Cleavage stimulation factor subunit 3
Q9Y5U8 -4.0913780 0.9180772 9.267735 -4.456464 0.0014747 0.0293778 Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 1
P06727 -1.3683135 0.3016794 8.789110 -4.535654 0.0015028 0.0296482 Apolipoprotein A-IV
P04196 -1.9303128 0.3967844 7.454498 -4.864890 0.0015267 0.0297339 Histidine-rich glycoprotein
O75828 -1.6544202 0.3750717 9.368515 -4.410944 0.0015364 0.0297339 Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 3
Q9UBI9 -2.9866384 0.6064805 7.179374 -4.924542 0.0015849 0.0303814 Headcase protein homolog
P01031 -1.3157564 0.2894433 8.493085 -4.545818 0.0016173 0.0305961 Complement C5;Complement C5 beta chain;Complement C5 alpha chain;C5a anaphylatoxin;Complement C5 alpha chain
Q9ULC3 -1.6333020 0.3626056 8.668837 -4.504349 0.0016262 0.0305961 Ras-related protein Rab-23
Q6ZSY5 -1.6890696 0.3854953 9.184051 -4.381557 0.0016835 0.0313140 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3F
P45877 -1.2442932 0.2872374 9.368515 -4.331934 0.0017293 0.0313140 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase C
P02461 -3.6062939 0.7973543 8.364929 -4.522825 0.0017349 0.0313140 Collagen alpha-1(III) chain
P04003 -1.5009188 0.3412528 8.971202 -4.398261 0.0017381 0.0313140 C4b-binding protein alpha chain
P14555 -4.6109150 0.9304138 6.864718 -4.955768 0.0017414 0.0313140 Phospholipase A2, membrane associated
Q8N5M1 -1.9899041 0.4556449 9.071102 -4.367225 0.0017709 0.0315654 ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor 2
P08582 -1.6911943 0.3933014 9.342973 -4.299996 0.0018259 0.0322623 Melanotransferrin
Q6YN16 1.5603531 0.3639389 9.368515 4.287404 0.0018492 0.0323923 Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-like protein 2
P34932 -1.1578310 0.2691695 9.239908 -4.301494 0.0018690 0.0324093 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4
Q9UQ35 -1.3570787 0.3179436 9.349254 -4.268300 0.0019122 0.0324093 Serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2
O75746 -1.5795706 0.3588123 8.600896 -4.402220 0.0019135 0.0324093 Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1
Q13636 -3.2633858 0.6324015 6.181801 -5.160307 0.0019139 0.0324093 Ras-related protein Rab-31
Q5VIR6-4 -1.7638024 0.4128098 9.115375 -4.272675 0.0020127 0.0332574 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 53 homolog
P02776 -1.7615098 0.3922079 7.977340 -4.491266 0.0020398 0.0332574 Platelet factor 4;Platelet factor 4, short form
P04004 -1.6269790 0.3756281 8.733254 -4.331356 0.0020404 0.0332574 Vitronectin;Vitronectin V65 subunit;Vitronectin V10 subunit;Somatomedin-B
Q9H1E5 -1.3852786 0.3281530 9.368515 -4.221442 0.0020432 0.0332574 Thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 4
P04209 1.3436120 0.3156818 9.138536 4.256223 0.0020506 0.0332574 Ig lambda chain V-II region NIG-84
P01042 -2.2103015 0.4729877 7.254535 -4.673063 0.0020728 0.0332574 Kininogen-1;Kininogen-1 heavy chain;T-kinin;Bradykinin;Lysyl-bradykinin;Kininogen-1 light chain;Low molecular weight growth-promoting factor
Q8WWQ0 -1.6224614 0.3855430 9.368515 -4.208251 0.0020846 0.0332574 PH-interacting protein
P15924 1.2648885 0.3003985 9.331901 4.210702 0.0020950 0.0332574 Desmoplakin
Q2TAA5 -1.2916274 0.3068223 9.182611 -4.209692 0.0021746 0.0341685 GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase
Q9BTV4 -1.8099873 0.4311412 9.159972 -4.198131 0.0022247 0.0341685 Transmembrane protein 43
P05455 -1.2004499 0.2855438 9.119319 -4.204083 0.0022268 0.0341685 Lupus La protein
Q08945 -2.0204841 0.4657252 8.368515 -4.338362 0.0022336 0.0341685 FACT complex subunit SSRP1
Q04721 1.5358466 0.3667137 9.161674 4.188135 0.0022574 0.0341685 Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 2;Notch 2 extracellular truncation;Notch 2 intracellular domain
Q53T59 -1.8461756 0.4183746 7.985793 -4.412734 0.0022579 0.0341685 HCLS1-binding protein 3
Q9Y6X5 -1.3875045 0.3248674 8.653249 -4.270987 0.0022726 0.0341685 Bis(5-adenosyl)-triphosphatase ENPP4
P09619 -1.6085799 0.3850664 9.174768 -4.177410 0.0022869 0.0341685 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta
Q5JPH6 3.5281305 0.6835346 5.777444 5.161597 0.0023421 0.0347386 Probable glutamate–tRNA ligase, mitochondrial
O60262 -1.5577722 0.3669975 8.648172 -4.244639 0.0023632 0.0347970 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-7
O75348 -1.8591253 0.4525309 9.368515 -4.108284 0.0024282 0.0354135 V-type proton ATPase subunit G 1
O00303 -1.4561773 0.3498528 8.999343 -4.162257 0.0024399 0.0354135 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit F
P01034 -1.6978634 0.4073351 8.807288 -4.168222 0.0025350 0.0365096 Cystatin-C
P49458 -2.2735269 0.5032218 7.199990 -4.517942 0.0025514 0.0365096 Signal recognition particle 9 kDa protein
P25940 -1.7454125 0.4259317 9.103774 -4.097870 0.0026210 0.0372440 Collagen alpha-3(V) chain
P62760 -1.9146688 0.4698555 9.107922 -4.075016 0.0027103 0.0382458 Visinin-like protein 1
P08311 -1.3139510 0.3211076 8.830393 -4.091933 0.0028201 0.0395203 Cathepsin G
Q9UKS6 1.4372286 0.3534229 8.940065 4.066597 0.0028534 0.0396663 Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons protein 3
Q14019 -3.9129083 0.8342355 6.368515 -4.690412 0.0028714 0.0396663 Coactosin-like protein
P36551 -1.3202398 0.3266829 9.026924 -4.041350 0.0029048 0.0396663 Oxygen-dependent coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase, mitochondrial
O15116 -3.2231772 0.6507889 5.742785 -4.952723 0.0029099 0.0396663 U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm1
P30405 -1.5177122 0.3806790 9.368515 -3.986855 0.0029281 0.0396663 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase F, mitochondrial
Q9UKX3 2.1517579 0.5372810 9.186578 4.004902 0.0029622 0.0398620 Myosin-13
Q9Y2Z0 -1.7414076 0.4387308 9.368515 -3.969194 0.0030094 0.0402315 Suppressor of G2 allele of SKP1 homolog
P54577 -1.3002728 0.3236946 8.964834 -4.016975 0.0030561 0.0405880 Tyrosine–tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic;Tyrosine–tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic, N-terminally processed
P19429 2.3063639 0.5565591 8.159346 4.143970 0.0030999 0.0409030 Troponin I, cardiac muscle
P54652 -1.5932853 0.4010290 9.079911 -3.972992 0.0031835 0.0417341 Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2
O75475 -1.9038879 0.4838818 9.241155 -3.934613 0.0032613 0.0424809 PC4 and SFRS1-interacting protein
P25311 -1.5051007 0.3734151 8.504397 -4.030637 0.0033363 0.0431807 Zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein
P60468 -1.4647431 0.3603660 8.223714 -4.064599 0.0034074 0.0437326 Protein transport protein Sec61 subunit beta
Q9BS26 -1.2463986 0.3202162 9.302987 -3.892366 0.0034375 0.0437326 Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 44
Q7LBR1 -2.8413335 0.7317916 9.368515 -3.882709 0.0034435 0.0437326 Charged multivesicular body protein 1b
Q04941 -1.9356392 0.4951777 9.070341 -3.908979 0.0035171 0.0443900 Proteolipid protein 2
P03950 -2.2030636 0.5449177 8.153301 -4.042929 0.0035767 0.0448495 Angiogenin
Q1KMD3 -1.4744120 0.3778552 9.013577 -3.902055 0.0035977 0.0448495 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like protein 2
Q13641 -2.2297004 0.5229809 7.060025 -4.263445 0.0036586 0.0452090 Trophoblast glycoprotein
P26447 -1.8372154 0.4670904 8.706709 -3.933319 0.0036710 0.0452090 Protein S100-A4
Q96PK6 -1.3089284 0.3377599 9.066841 -3.875322 0.0037058 0.0453625 RNA-binding protein 14
Q9Y3B4 -1.2603707 0.3260854 9.016576 -3.865155 0.0038037 0.0455737 Splicing factor 3B subunit 6
Q9HB40 -2.1393191 0.4806306 6.309415 -4.451067 0.0038266 0.0455737 Retinoid-inducible serine carboxypeptidase
P01024 -1.1180307 0.2906729 9.105940 -3.846354 0.0038433 0.0455737 Complement C3;Complement C3 beta chain;C3-beta-c;Complement C3 alpha chain;C3a anaphylatoxin;Acylation stimulating protein;Complement C3b alpha chain;Complement C3c alpha chain fragment 1;Complement C3dg fragment;Complement C3g fragment;Complement C3d fragment;Complement C3f fragment;Complement C3c alpha chain fragment 2
O00567 -2.4335450 0.6370632 9.293824 -3.819943 0.0038557 0.0455737 Nucleolar protein 56
P12814 -1.6827515 0.4222196 8.158010 -3.985489 0.0038743 0.0455737 Alpha-actinin-1
Q13478 -1.6083281 0.4167076 8.946264 -3.859609 0.0038930 0.0455737 Interleukin-18 receptor 1
Q86VU5 1.5583619 0.4096938 9.368515 3.803724 0.0038977 0.0455737 Catechol O-methyltransferase domain-containing protein 1
P07384 -1.1052065 0.2894856 9.249572 -3.817829 0.0039025 0.0455737 Calpain-1 catalytic subunit
P01008 -1.5692162 0.4138377 9.324724 -3.791864 0.0040049 0.0463172 Antithrombin-III
P14543 -1.4365423 0.3761434 9.101457 -3.819135 0.0040117 0.0463172 Nidogen-1
O94919 -1.1247209 0.2952221 9.132259 -3.809744 0.0040452 0.0463476 Endonuclease domain-containing 1 protein
Q9UK22 -1.8807802 0.4297683 6.360323 -4.376265 0.0040823 0.0463476 F-box only protein 2
P07357 -1.1425305 0.3015073 9.211049 -3.789396 0.0041105 0.0463476 Complement component C8 alpha chain
Q7Z3T8 -1.6269924 0.4197642 8.534300 -3.875967 0.0041539 0.0463476 Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 16
O95486 -1.7001274 0.4471130 9.026357 -3.802456 0.0041791 0.0463476 Protein transport protein Sec24A
Q9BXY0 -1.9170100 0.4360325 6.228522 -4.396484 0.0041948 0.0463476 Protein MAK16 homolog
Q14011 -2.3803571 0.6080407 8.235300 -3.914799 0.0042056 0.0463476 Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein
Q9Y2D4 -2.0300937 0.5287368 8.670699 -3.839517 0.0042554 0.0463476 Exocyst complex component 6B
Q96ST3 -1.6077298 0.4246620 9.054820 -3.785905 0.0042626 0.0463476 Paired amphipathic helix protein Sin3a
O43143 -0.9916403 0.2647623 9.368515 -3.745398 0.0042734 0.0463476 Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX15
P56199 -1.2716373 0.3308282 8.591843 -3.843800 0.0043013 0.0463476 Integrin alpha-1
Q6IC98 -1.1710653 0.3048547 8.604001 -3.841388 0.0043054 0.0463476 GRAM domain-containing protein 4
P09467 -2.0219103 0.4940462 7.221982 -4.092553 0.0043188 0.0463476 Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1
P51665 -1.2958979 0.3454543 9.245677 -3.751286 0.0043337 0.0463476 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 7
Q9BVC6 -1.6329609 0.4374434 9.368515 -3.732965 0.0043582 0.0463662 Transmembrane protein 109
P50991 -1.7929240 0.4656130 8.412399 -3.850674 0.0044305 0.0468899 T-complex protein 1 subunit delta
Q96FJ2 1.5408850 0.4060546 8.593395 3.794773 0.0046255 0.0486997 Dynein light chain 2, cytoplasmic
P23434 1.1390966 0.3085839 9.368515 3.691367 0.0046553 0.0487609 Glycine cleavage system H protein, mitochondrial
Q8NBF2 -1.1613746 0.3146320 9.295600 -3.691216 0.0047190 0.0491747 NHL repeat-containing protein 2
P04843 -2.0344244 0.5394794 8.620081 -3.771088 0.0047653 0.0493851 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1
Q53FA7 1.8348852 0.4959924 9.148525 3.699422 0.0047878 0.0493851 Quinone oxidoreductase PIG3
Q6P1N0 -1.7290768 0.4243143 6.930592 -4.074991 0.0048200 0.0494662 Coiled-coil and C2 domain-containing protein 1A
Q6P587 5.5394450 1.3284598 6.530599 4.169825 0.0048817 0.0498470 Acylpyruvase FAHD1, mitochondrial

4.4 Evaluate results contrast \(\log_2 FC_{V-A}^R\)

4.4.1 Volcano-plot

volcanoRight <- ggplot(rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + locationR:tissueV",
                 aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(pval), color = adjPval < 0.05)) +
 geom_point(cex = 2.5) +
 scale_color_manual(values = alpha(c("black", "red"), 0.5)) + theme_minimal()

4.4.2 Heatmap

We first select the names of the proteins that were declared signficant.

sigNamesRight <- rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + locationR:tissueV" %>%
 rownames_to_column("proteinRobust") %>%
 filter(adjPval<0.05) %>%
heatmap(assay(pe[["proteinRobust"]])[sigNamesRight, ])

There are 87 proteins significantly differentially expressed at the 5% FDR level.

rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + locationR:tissueV"  %>%
  cbind(.,rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$Protein.names) %>%
  na.exclude %>%
  filter(adjPval<0.05) %>%
  arrange(pval) %>%
logFC se df t pval adjPval rowData(pe[[“proteinRobust”]])$Protein.names
P08590 5.503838 0.4374889 9.368515 12.580521 0.0000004 0.0007157 Myosin light chain 3
P06858 3.354674 0.3544786 9.250634 9.463685 0.0000046 0.0047172 Lipoprotein lipase
Q9ULD0 -3.575906 0.3737560 7.368515 -9.567490 0.0000205 0.0138756 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like, mitochondrial
P35442 -3.246460 0.4066033 8.368515 -7.984343 0.0000343 0.0146183 Thrombospondin-2
P02776 -2.818363 0.3421721 7.977340 -8.236685 0.0000360 0.0146183 Platelet factor 4;Platelet factor 4, short form
P21810 -2.924783 0.4081234 8.758163 -7.166417 0.0000606 0.0197041 Biglycan
O75368 -1.819326 0.2697486 9.290627 -6.744524 0.0000724 0.0197041 SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein
A6NMZ7 -3.070848 0.4709221 9.368515 -6.520924 0.0000906 0.0197041 Collagen alpha-6(VI) chain
P54652 -2.726681 0.4117125 9.079911 -6.622780 0.0000928 0.0197041 Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2
Q6UWY5 -2.456874 0.3739474 9.114628 -6.570106 0.0000970 0.0197041 Olfactomedin-like protein 1
Q06828 -4.122091 0.6363871 8.970372 -6.477332 0.0001161 0.0198355 Fibromodulin
P05546 -1.727800 0.2722600 9.273028 -6.346141 0.0001171 0.0198355 Heparin cofactor 2
P28066 -2.176824 0.3385894 8.731150 -6.429098 0.0001384 0.0205309 Proteasome subunit alpha type-5
P29622 -1.847919 0.3013699 9.368515 -6.131733 0.0001459 0.0205309 Kallistatin
P46821 -1.606539 0.2632989 9.368515 -6.101576 0.0001516 0.0205309 Microtubule-associated protein 1B;MAP1B heavy chain;MAP1 light chain LC1
P13533 -3.888317 0.6376165 9.099741 -6.098206 0.0001717 0.0218011 Myosin-6
Q9UGT4 -2.443145 0.4143494 9.193191 -5.896340 0.0002117 0.0245530 Sushi domain-containing protein 2
P35625 -3.938312 0.6160730 7.941649 -6.392605 0.0002175 0.0245530 Metalloproteinase inhibitor 3
Q6PCB0 -2.328852 0.4034039 8.935408 -5.773003 0.0002758 0.0263496 von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein 1
Q69YU5 3.254738 0.5557216 8.696790 5.856778 0.0002760 0.0263496 Uncharacterized protein C12orf73
Q15327 -2.203003 0.3936472 9.237782 -5.596389 0.0003055 0.0263496 Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 1
O43677 -2.969964 0.5063192 8.431964 -5.865793 0.0003075 0.0263496 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 subunit C1, mitochondrial
Q14764 -1.608232 0.2899230 9.368515 -5.547100 0.0003099 0.0263496 Major vault protein
P60468 -2.438022 0.4112085 8.223714 -5.928921 0.0003147 0.0263496 Protein transport protein Sec61 subunit beta
P01031 -1.626524 0.2813575 8.493085 -5.780986 0.0003309 0.0263496 Complement C5;Complement C5 beta chain;Complement C5 alpha chain;C5a anaphylatoxin;Complement C5 alpha chain
Q9P2B2 -2.035226 0.3730159 9.368515 -5.456136 0.0003499 0.0263496 Prostaglandin F2 receptor negative regulator
Q92930 -2.833666 0.4661159 7.610113 -6.079316 0.0003613 0.0263496 Ras-related protein Rab-8B
P02775 -2.205543 0.4071230 9.368515 -5.417387 0.0003686 0.0263496 Platelet basic protein;Connective tissue-activating peptide III;TC-2;Connective tissue-activating peptide III(1-81);Beta-thromboglobulin;Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(74);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(73);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2;TC-1;Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(1-66);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(1-63)
P48163 -2.959729 0.4884361 7.573178 -6.059605 0.0003761 0.0263496 NADP-dependent malic enzyme
P48681 -1.491288 0.2782821 9.365549 -5.358907 0.0003993 0.0269399 Nestin
P12883 1.969100 0.3655019 9.183035 5.387387 0.0004110 0.0269399 Myosin-7
P11586 2.013301 0.3518834 7.997030 5.721501 0.0004439 0.0281859 C-1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, cytoplasmic;Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase;Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase;Formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase;C-1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, cytoplasmic, N-terminally processed
P30711 -2.321740 0.4483501 9.038732 -5.178409 0.0005727 0.0337260 Glutathione S-transferase theta-1
Q9BZH6 3.442805 0.6418413 8.321746 5.363951 0.0005911 0.0337260 WD repeat-containing protein 11
Q9H1K0 -2.237374 0.3907006 7.368515 -5.726570 0.0005948 0.0337260 Rabenosyn-5
Q9UHG2 -3.175806 0.6109007 8.845467 -5.198562 0.0005975 0.0337260 ProSAAS;KEP;Big SAAS;Little SAAS;Big PEN-LEN;PEN;Little LEN;Big LEN
P00748 -1.915326 0.3787423 9.104470 -5.057070 0.0006599 0.0359543 Coagulation factor XII;Coagulation factor XIIa heavy chain;Beta-factor XIIa part 1;Coagulation factor XIIa light chain
Q5NDL2 -2.708130 0.5255026 8.665876 -5.153409 0.0006768 0.0359543 EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase
O00180 -4.621308 0.8853990 8.368515 -5.219464 0.0006951 0.0359543 Potassium channel subfamily K member 1
Q00G26 1.964123 0.3594514 7.551962 5.464224 0.0007287 0.0359543 Perilipin-5
P23142 -2.779235 0.5081787 7.537201 -5.469011 0.0007296 0.0359543 Fibulin-1
P10916 2.921175 0.5291437 7.368515 5.520571 0.0007443 0.0359543 Myosin regulatory light chain 2, ventricular/cardiac muscle isoform
Q09161 2.370716 0.3866868 6.161878 6.130844 0.0007788 0.0359543 Nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1
P18428 -1.690875 0.3454476 9.140026 -4.894737 0.0008163 0.0359543 Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein
Q9BW30 -2.326597 0.4724143 9.000584 -4.924908 0.0008189 0.0359543 Tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3
P30405 -1.842938 0.3806790 9.368515 -4.841185 0.0008199 0.0359543 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase F, mitochondrial
Q5JPH6 3.287773 0.5184787 5.777444 6.341193 0.0008342 0.0359543 Probable glutamate–tRNA ligase, mitochondrial
Q9NRG4 2.622493 0.5180776 8.368515 5.061970 0.0008493 0.0359543 N-lysine methyltransferase SMYD2
Q9BUH6 -1.485484 0.3066662 9.144447 -4.843978 0.0008752 0.0362862 Protein PAXX
P35052 -1.965366 0.3779521 7.795481 -5.200039 0.0008929 0.0362862 Glypican-1;Secreted glypican-1
O15061 -1.710970 0.3604219 9.368515 -4.747130 0.0009384 0.0373880 Synemin
P08603 -1.484314 0.3148296 9.368515 -4.714659 0.0009835 0.0384302 Complement factor H
Q96FN9 -2.712489 0.5552397 8.368515 -4.885258 0.0010680 0.0392034 Probable D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase 2
Q8N474 -2.108536 0.4206958 7.898848 -5.012021 0.0010775 0.0392034 Secreted frizzled-related protein 1
Q04760 2.254328 0.4708253 8.731244 4.788035 0.0010779 0.0392034 Lactoylglutathione lyase
Q96KC8 -2.480944 0.5057664 8.256372 -4.905316 0.0010820 0.0392034 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 1
P04004 -1.908509 0.3998635 8.733254 -4.772902 0.0010997 0.0392034 Vitronectin;Vitronectin V65 subunit;Vitronectin V10 subunit;Somatomedin-B
Q99983 -3.527403 0.6600876 6.898086 -5.343840 0.0011235 0.0393616 Osteomodulin
P24298 1.991397 0.4184366 8.589351 4.759136 0.0011734 0.0404134 Alanine aminotransferase 1
P62857 -2.074531 0.4153921 7.661559 -4.994152 0.0012063 0.0408539 40S ribosomal protein S28
P23434 1.406476 0.3085839 9.368515 4.557840 0.0012362 0.0411788 Glycine cleavage system H protein, mitochondrial
P24844 -1.767461 0.3911777 9.313301 -4.518307 0.0013300 0.0435900 Myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9
P04275 -1.352764 0.2984968 8.944173 -4.531921 0.0014450 0.0453761 von Willebrand factor;von Willebrand antigen 2
Q6PI78 1.975693 0.4381010 9.040329 4.509673 0.0014519 0.0453761 Transmembrane protein 65
Q15113 -1.959899 0.4399417 9.187189 -4.454905 0.0015102 0.0453761 Procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 1
P01611 -2.213481 0.5019736 9.368515 -4.409557 0.0015396 0.0453761 Ig kappa chain V-I region Wes
Q86WV6 -1.310297 0.2963017 9.223994 -4.422171 0.0015692 0.0453761 Stimulator of interferon genes protein
Q6UWS5 1.798858 0.3672722 7.240188 4.897888 0.0015957 0.0453761 Protein PET117 homolog, mitochondrial
P51888 -1.838614 0.3737178 7.160706 -4.919793 0.0016056 0.0453761 Prolargin
Q9BSD7 2.993219 0.6090575 7.155089 4.914510 0.0016191 0.0453761 Cancer-related nucleoside-triphosphatase
P04350 -2.861432 0.5736880 6.941194 -4.987783 0.0016267 0.0453761 Tubulin beta-4A chain
Q7L4S7 -2.514619 0.5106906 7.101207 -4.923958 0.0016368 0.0453761 Protein ARMCX6
P08294 -1.884866 0.4043561 7.962984 -4.661402 0.0016407 0.0453761 Extracellular superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]
P82663 -1.944516 0.4465777 9.321073 -4.354260 0.0016925 0.0453761 28S ribosomal protein S25, mitochondrial
P50453 -1.398216 0.3163208 8.946744 -4.420249 0.0016949 0.0453761 Serpin B9
P01303 -2.151374 0.4868448 8.938580 -4.419014 0.0017017 0.0453761 Pro-neuropeptide Y;Neuropeptide Y;C-flanking peptide of NPY
Q9UL26 7.763006 1.7508348 8.823073 4.433888 0.0017195 0.0453761 Ras-related protein Rab-22A
Q8TDB4 -2.849906 0.5487289 6.234194 -5.193650 0.0018043 0.0463060 Protein MGARP
Q9HCB6 -2.412515 0.5438871 8.642251 -4.435691 0.0018043 0.0463060 Spondin-1
Q9Y6X5 -1.531154 0.3463868 8.653249 -4.420359 0.0018380 0.0463060 Bis(5-adenosyl)-triphosphatase ENPP4
Q15274 -2.142900 0.4681195 7.864253 -4.577678 0.0018893 0.0463060 Nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase [carboxylating]
Q6YN16 1.553070 0.3639389 9.368515 4.267391 0.0019059 0.0463060 Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-like protein 2
P51884 -1.386041 0.3222151 9.158739 -4.301603 0.0019072 0.0463060 Lumican
P02452 -1.816507 0.4067095 8.293636 -4.466350 0.0019142 0.0463060 Collagen alpha-1(I) chain
P61925 2.031117 0.4367868 7.494591 4.650134 0.0019552 0.0467400 cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alpha
P07360 -1.535545 0.3537800 8.706976 -4.340395 0.0020285 0.0479292 Complement component C8 gamma chain
Q96MM6 3.209344 0.6626323 6.692352 4.843324 0.0021214 0.0495483 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 12B

4.5 Evaluate results average contrast \(\log_2 FC_{V-A}\)

4.5.1 Volcano-plot

volcanoAvg <- ggplot(rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV",
                 aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(pval), color = adjPval < 0.05)) +
 geom_point(cex = 2.5) +
 scale_color_manual(values = alpha(c("black", "red"), 0.5)) + theme_minimal()

4.5.2 Heatmap

We first select the names of the proteins that were declared signficant.

sigNamesAvg <- rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV" %>%
 rownames_to_column("proteinRobust") %>%
 filter(adjPval<0.05) %>%
heatmap(assay(pe[["proteinRobust"]])[sigNamesAvg, ])

There are 449 proteins significantly differentially expressed at the 5% FDR level.

rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV" %>%
  cbind(.,rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$Protein.names) %>%
  na.exclude %>%
  filter(adjPval<0.05) %>%
  arrange(pval) %>%
logFC se df t pval adjPval rowData(pe[[“proteinRobust”]])$Protein.names
P08590 6.7358945 0.3093513 9.368515 21.774254 0.0000000 0.0000049 Myosin light chain 3
P12883 3.3194914 0.2606411 9.183035 12.735870 0.0000004 0.0003887 Myosin-7
O75368 -2.0454601 0.1913841 9.290627 -10.687724 0.0000016 0.0007076 SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein
Q6UWY5 -2.8552584 0.2676055 9.114628 -10.669655 0.0000019 0.0007076 Olfactomedin-like protein 1
P10916 4.9236420 0.3661137 7.368515 13.448397 0.0000019 0.0007076 Myosin regulatory light chain 2, ventricular/cardiac muscle isoform
P46821 -1.8867094 0.1861805 9.368515 -10.133767 0.0000024 0.0007076 Microtubule-associated protein 1B;MAP1B heavy chain;MAP1 light chain LC1
P06858 2.5719330 0.2519591 9.250634 10.207741 0.0000024 0.0007076 Lipoprotein lipase
P21810 -3.0696624 0.2931271 8.758163 -10.472121 0.0000030 0.0007653 Biglycan
P05546 -1.8298412 0.1917241 9.273028 -9.544138 0.0000042 0.0009132 Heparin cofactor 2
P35442 -2.7737551 0.2689428 8.368515 -10.313550 0.0000048 0.0009132 Thrombospondin-2
P29622 -1.9806994 0.2131007 9.368515 -9.294664 0.0000049 0.0009132 Kallistatin
Q06828 -4.1625547 0.4592196 8.970372 -9.064410 0.0000082 0.0013946 Fibromodulin
P13533 -3.9643622 0.4545529 9.099741 -8.721454 0.0000103 0.0016051 Myosin-6
Q8N474 -2.7087798 0.2821950 7.898848 -9.598963 0.0000126 0.0018228 Secreted frizzled-related protein 1
Q9UGT4 -2.3718806 0.2907072 9.193191 -8.159002 0.0000166 0.0020430 Sushi domain-containing protein 2
A6NMZ7 -2.6735410 0.3329922 9.368515 -8.028839 0.0000169 0.0020430 Collagen alpha-6(VI) chain
O95865 -1.5898713 0.1998648 9.368515 -7.954734 0.0000183 0.0020430 N(G),N(G)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2
Q14764 -1.6175126 0.2050065 9.368515 -7.890054 0.0000196 0.0020430 Major vault protein
O94875-10 1.8826268 0.2305212 8.906280 8.166827 0.0000200 0.0020430 Sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 2
P02776 -2.2899367 0.2602445 7.977340 -8.799175 0.0000223 0.0020430 Platelet factor 4;Platelet factor 4, short form
Q9P2B2 -2.0373086 0.2637621 9.368515 -7.724039 0.0000233 0.0020430 Prostaglandin F2 receptor negative regulator
P51884 -1.7601864 0.2256891 9.158739 -7.799164 0.0000245 0.0020430 Lumican
P24844 -2.1318385 0.2772580 9.313301 -7.689006 0.0000250 0.0020430 Myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9
P02452 -2.3897612 0.2850308 8.293636 -8.384220 0.0000251 0.0020430 Collagen alpha-1(I) chain
Q16647 -2.1622988 0.2760261 9.029611 -7.833675 0.0000257 0.0020430 Prostacyclin synthase
O43677 -2.8449373 0.3457337 8.431964 -8.228696 0.0000261 0.0020430 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 subunit C1, mitochondrial
Q15113 -2.3511987 0.3085741 9.187189 -7.619559 0.0000291 0.0021486 Procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 1
P18428 -1.8452405 0.2418572 9.140026 -7.629462 0.0000296 0.0021486 Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein
P54652 -2.1599833 0.2873754 9.079911 -7.516243 0.0000346 0.0024239 Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2
P51888 -2.4233975 0.2713758 7.160706 -8.930042 0.0000391 0.0024498 Prolargin
P00748 -1.9533971 0.2645607 9.104470 -7.383549 0.0000393 0.0024498 Coagulation factor XII;Coagulation factor XIIa heavy chain;Beta-factor XIIa part 1;Coagulation factor XIIa light chain
P02775 -2.0838997 0.2878794 9.368515 -7.238794 0.0000395 0.0024498 Platelet basic protein;Connective tissue-activating peptide III;TC-2;Connective tissue-activating peptide III(1-81);Beta-thromboglobulin;Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(74);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(73);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2;TC-1;Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(1-66);Neutrophil-activating peptide 2(1-63)
Q9BW30 -2.5255943 0.3399694 9.000584 -7.428887 0.0000398 0.0024498 Tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3
P48681 -1.4123446 0.1967508 9.365549 -7.178341 0.0000423 0.0025310 Nestin
P14854 1.7251878 0.2271396 8.432836 7.595274 0.0000477 0.0027276 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1
P08294 -2.3175953 0.2927548 7.962984 -7.916507 0.0000483 0.0027276 Extracellular superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]
O00180 -4.4369891 0.5856364 8.368515 -7.576355 0.0000507 0.0027830 Potassium channel subfamily K member 1
P02743 -1.8823835 0.2721089 9.368515 -6.917757 0.0000569 0.0030401 Serum amyloid P-component;Serum amyloid P-component(1-203)
P01031 -1.4711401 0.2020912 8.493085 -7.279584 0.0000631 0.0032853 Complement C5;Complement C5 beta chain;Complement C5 alpha chain;C5a anaphylatoxin;Complement C5 alpha chain
Q5NDL2 -2.5014769 0.3585147 8.665876 -6.977334 0.0000782 0.0039706 EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase
Q92508 3.5430878 0.3987228 6.368515 8.886092 0.0000807 0.0039988 Piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1
Q53GQ0 -1.8169289 0.2763280 9.358937 -6.575262 0.0000853 0.0040169 Very-long-chain 3-oxoacyl-CoA reductase
P05997 -2.5486728 0.3783503 8.941541 -6.736279 0.0000876 0.0040169 Collagen alpha-2(V) chain
P60468 -1.9513827 0.2743948 8.223714 -7.111587 0.0000880 0.0040169 Protein transport protein Sec61 subunit beta
P23083 -3.2601200 0.4233483 7.368515 -7.700799 0.0000890 0.0040169 Ig heavy chain V-I region V35
Q9ULL5-3 -2.3006667 0.3151373 7.847494 -7.300521 0.0000924 0.0040825 Proline-rich protein 12
Q8TBP6 -1.7084465 0.2569648 8.980202 -6.648563 0.0000949 0.0041007 Solute carrier family 25 member 40
P28066 -1.6712466 0.2477038 8.731150 -6.746955 0.0000969 0.0041007 Proteasome subunit alpha type-5
P35625 -2.9679404 0.4156910 7.941649 -7.139775 0.0001017 0.0042098 Metalloproteinase inhibitor 3
Q14195-2 -2.2534620 0.3485621 9.231543 -6.465022 0.0001036 0.0042098 Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 3
P46060 -1.7047689 0.2489553 8.368515 -6.847691 0.0001062 0.0042304 Ran GTPase-activating protein 1
Q15327 -1.7740861 0.2767608 9.237782 -6.410179 0.0001103 0.0043092 Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 1
Q9ULD0 -2.0406330 0.2760371 7.368515 -7.392605 0.0001165 0.0043311 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like, mitochondrial
Q6PCB0 -1.8163629 0.2803737 8.935408 -6.478364 0.0001180 0.0043311 von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein 1
P00325 -1.5034066 0.2330676 8.985368 -6.450516 0.0001189 0.0043311 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1B
Q69YU5 2.5059630 0.3814715 8.696790 6.569201 0.0001202 0.0043311 Uncharacterized protein C12orf73
P07451 -1.2833190 0.2048170 9.368515 -6.265686 0.0001236 0.0043311 Carbonic anhydrase 3
O14980 -1.1146843 0.1780917 9.368515 -6.259048 0.0001246 0.0043311 Exportin-1
P30405 -1.6803249 0.2691807 9.368515 -6.242368 0.0001272 0.0043311 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase F, mitochondrial
Q92604 -2.0782169 0.3317976 9.300540 -6.263507 0.0001279 0.0043311 Acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1
P04004 -1.7677440 0.2743115 8.733254 -6.444294 0.0001359 0.0045119 Vitronectin;Vitronectin V65 subunit;Vitronectin V10 subunit;Somatomedin-B
P36955 -1.6933164 0.2522971 8.144923 -6.711598 0.0001390 0.0045119 Pigment epithelium-derived factor
P41240 -1.3344948 0.2115827 8.998465 -6.307203 0.0001399 0.0045119 Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK
P04083 -1.3421955 0.2183025 9.368515 -6.148327 0.0001430 0.0045388 Annexin A1
P36021 -2.5034435 0.3847819 8.368515 -6.506137 0.0001532 0.0047901 Monocarboxylate transporter 8
Q6YN16 1.5567113 0.2573436 9.368515 6.049154 0.0001619 0.0049838 Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-like protein 2
Q8TBQ9 -1.7482778 0.2777046 8.624259 -6.295459 0.0001702 0.0051617 Protein kish-A
Q15274 -2.0357040 0.3069062 7.864253 -6.632984 0.0001767 0.0051999 Nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase [carboxylating]
Q8WWA0 -4.4529908 0.6848956 8.104172 -6.501707 0.0001774 0.0051999 Intelectin-1
Q9BXN1 -2.2858485 0.3737780 8.960478 -6.115524 0.0001791 0.0051999 Asporin
P04003 -1.4359842 0.2367789 8.971202 -6.064664 0.0001896 0.0054256 C4b-binding protein alpha chain
O15230 -1.3744676 0.2231664 8.637704 -6.158935 0.0001980 0.0055002 Laminin subunit alpha-5
Q9Y6X5 -1.4593292 0.2374461 8.653249 -6.145938 0.0001995 0.0055002 Bis(5-adenosyl)-triphosphatase ENPP4
Q7L4S7 -2.1135247 0.3024998 7.101207 -6.986862 0.0002003 0.0055002 Protein ARMCX6
P14550 -1.3048277 0.2159257 8.804116 -6.042949 0.0002101 0.0056911 Alcohol dehydrogenase [NADP(+)]
P23434 1.2727864 0.2182018 9.368515 5.833070 0.0002132 0.0057000 Glycine cleavage system H protein, mitochondrial
Q07954 -1.2959588 0.2228598 9.368515 -5.815132 0.0002182 0.0057577 Prolow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1;Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 85 kDa subunit;Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 515 kDa subunit;Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 intracellular domain
Q9UBG0 -1.6345146 0.2786106 9.173764 -5.866662 0.0002216 0.0057701 C-type mannose receptor 2
P49207 -1.3710319 0.2313344 8.972582 -5.926624 0.0002243 0.0057701 60S ribosomal protein L34
Q9BUF5 -1.7682813 0.3037349 9.249220 -5.821792 0.0002273 0.0057731 Tubulin beta-6 chain
P23142 -2.2973847 0.3519982 7.537201 -6.526695 0.0002373 0.0059527 Fibulin-1
P04196 -1.6877176 0.2571870 7.454498 -6.562221 0.0002403 0.0059550 Histidine-rich glycoprotein
Q9NRG4 2.3970480 0.3956883 8.368515 6.057919 0.0002533 0.0062001 N-lysine methyltransferase SMYD2
Q9NZ01 -1.8635396 0.3140808 8.634144 -5.933312 0.0002589 0.0062198 Very-long-chain enoyl-CoA reductase
O95980 -1.9294212 0.3147773 8.147873 -6.129480 0.0002602 0.0062198 Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs
P04275 -1.1968998 0.2066774 8.944173 -5.791150 0.0002687 0.0063480 von Willebrand factor;von Willebrand antigen 2
P12110 -1.5935296 0.2627341 8.170387 -6.065179 0.0002765 0.0064584 Collagen alpha-2(VI) chain
O75828 -1.4912698 0.2652157 9.368515 -5.622856 0.0002804 0.0064740 Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 3
Q9BZH6 2.6654497 0.4489408 8.321746 5.937197 0.0002976 0.0066937 WD repeat-containing protein 11
P07357 -1.1909118 0.2117379 9.211049 -5.624461 0.0002977 0.0066937 Complement component C8 alpha chain
Q5JPH6 3.4079519 0.4420943 5.777444 7.708653 0.0002998 0.0066937 Probable glutamate–tRNA ligase, mitochondrial
Q86WV6 -1.1787564 0.2108725 9.223994 -5.589902 0.0003098 0.0068429 Stimulator of interferon genes protein
P24298 1.6449487 0.2841506 8.589351 5.789003 0.0003141 0.0068629 Alanine aminotransferase 1
P62760 -1.8748180 0.3363604 9.107922 -5.573837 0.0003312 0.0071471 Visinin-like protein 1
P01024 -1.1291448 0.2030574 9.105940 -5.560716 0.0003371 0.0071471 Complement C3;Complement C3 beta chain;C3-beta-c;Complement C3 alpha chain;C3a anaphylatoxin;Acylation stimulating protein;Complement C3b alpha chain;Complement C3c alpha chain fragment 1;Complement C3dg fragment;Complement C3g fragment;Complement C3d fragment;Complement C3f fragment;Complement C3c alpha chain fragment 2
P30711 -1.7974916 0.3221274 9.038732 -5.580064 0.0003377 0.0071471 Glutathione S-transferase theta-1
Q9UHG2 -2.3658698 0.4208485 8.845467 -5.621666 0.0003463 0.0072274 ProSAAS;KEP;Big SAAS;Little SAAS;Big PEN-LEN;PEN;Little LEN;Big LEN
Q92681 -1.8052155 0.3015962 7.880492 -5.985538 0.0003486 0.0072274 Regulatory solute carrier protein family 1 member 1
Q9UQ35 -1.2247564 0.2246384 9.349254 -5.452123 0.0003543 0.0072730 Serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2
Q9HCB6 -2.0954145 0.3704513 8.642251 -5.656383 0.0003609 0.0073045 Spondin-1
P12814 -1.9016090 0.3261547 8.158010 -5.830390 0.0003635 0.0073045 Alpha-actinin-1
P48163 -1.9351889 0.3181025 7.573178 -6.083538 0.0003667 0.0073045 NADP-dependent malic enzyme
Q9Y3B4 -1.2875533 0.2342383 9.016576 -5.496767 0.0003793 0.0073267 Splicing factor 3B subunit 6
P25940 -1.6429098 0.3007556 9.103774 -5.462608 0.0003834 0.0073267 Collagen alpha-3(V) chain
P50453 -1.2078225 0.2193196 8.946744 -5.507133 0.0003847 0.0073267 Serpin B9
Q53GG5-2 -2.4399434 0.4282645 8.357999 -5.697282 0.0003883 0.0073267 PDZ and LIM domain protein 3
Q5M9N0 -2.7584485 0.4839467 8.333797 -5.699901 0.0003912 0.0073267 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 158
P07585 -2.1323372 0.3937016 9.207909 -5.416125 0.0003919 0.0073267 Decorin
P49458 -1.8786710 0.3024079 7.199990 -6.212374 0.0003930 0.0073267 Signal recognition particle 9 kDa protein
P19429 2.2365865 0.3890156 8.159346 5.749349 0.0003991 0.0073720 Troponin I, cardiac muscle
Q53T59 -1.8080103 0.3112156 7.985793 -5.809511 0.0004035 0.0073862 HCLS1-binding protein 3
Q9UNW9 3.3060326 0.6124270 9.090331 5.398247 0.0004194 0.0076096 RNA-binding protein Nova-2
O94919 -1.1297756 0.2100853 9.132259 -5.377699 0.0004243 0.0076291 Endonuclease domain-containing 1 protein
P02747 -1.8530999 0.2972610 6.991839 -6.233915 0.0004328 0.0077151 Complement C1q subcomponent subunit C
P01008 -1.5453986 0.2920851 9.324724 -5.290919 0.0004444 0.0078523 Antithrombin-III
Q00G26 1.4810539 0.2508572 7.551962 5.903972 0.0004488 0.0078610 Perilipin-5
O00264 -1.4077482 0.2635473 9.045535 -5.341539 0.0004597 0.0079831 Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1
O60760 -2.2693850 0.4110516 8.368515 -5.520925 0.0004782 0.0081948 Hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase
Q6SZW1 -2.0732831 0.3497058 7.368515 -5.928650 0.0004799 0.0081948 Sterile alpha and TIR motif-containing protein 1
Q9ULC3 -1.4313739 0.2659219 8.668837 -5.382685 0.0005031 0.0085188 Ras-related protein Rab-23
Q9BS26 -1.1794250 0.2270653 9.302987 -5.194210 0.0005110 0.0085813 Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 44
Q8WZA9 -1.0848657 0.2080006 9.179407 -5.215686 0.0005182 0.0086202 Immunity-related GTPase family Q protein
P14543 -1.3732462 0.2627046 9.101457 -5.227339 0.0005244 0.0086202 Nidogen-1
P08603 -1.1479994 0.2226181 9.368515 -5.156810 0.0005260 0.0086202 Complement factor H
Q9BTV4 -1.5944595 0.3065562 9.159972 -5.201199 0.0005321 0.0086493 Transmembrane protein 43
Q2TAA5 -1.1153927 0.2188010 9.182611 -5.097748 0.0006078 0.0097840 GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase
P11586 1.2736427 0.2338157 7.997030 5.447207 0.0006115 0.0097840 C-1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, cytoplasmic;Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase;Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase;Formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase;C-1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, cytoplasmic, N-terminally processed
Q9UKR5 -3.6937409 0.7006297 8.496148 -5.272030 0.0006192 0.0098295 Probable ergosterol biosynthetic protein 28
Q9UJC5 -1.2143605 0.2412305 9.328442 -5.034026 0.0006323 0.0098619 SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein 2
Q8WY22 -1.5074312 0.2849232 8.368515 -5.290657 0.0006356 0.0098619 BRI3-binding protein
P13671 -1.3576211 0.2703999 9.368515 -5.020790 0.0006358 0.0098619 Complement component C6
O14967 -1.6233066 0.3123389 8.528665 -5.197260 0.0006728 0.0103083 Calmegin
Q6PI78 1.5422623 0.3049907 9.040329 5.056752 0.0006747 0.0103083 Transmembrane protein 65
P01042 -1.9829048 0.3518050 7.254535 -5.636375 0.0006929 0.0105067 Kininogen-1;Kininogen-1 heavy chain;T-kinin;Bradykinin;Lysyl-bradykinin;Kininogen-1 light chain;Low molecular weight growth-promoting factor
Q8WWQ0 -1.3446280 0.2726200 9.368515 -4.932242 0.0007203 0.0108219 PH-interacting protein
Q92621 -1.2226648 0.2480571 9.365549 -4.928965 0.0007243 0.0108219 Nuclear pore complex protein Nup205
Q12996 -1.6262833 0.2703540 6.441996 -6.015385 0.0007312 0.0108458 Cleavage stimulation factor subunit 3
Q9HAT2 1.5992357 0.3232883 9.219384 4.946779 0.0007400 0.0108568 Sialate O-acetylesterase
P20774 -1.9551933 0.3704552 8.018214 -5.277813 0.0007427 0.0108568 Mimecan
Q9BUH6 -1.0828646 0.2191138 9.144447 -4.942018 0.0007632 0.0110502 Protein PAXX
Q16082 -1.2629563 0.2540569 9.007531 -4.971155 0.0007668 0.0110502 Heat shock protein beta-2
Q8TDB4 -2.3381087 0.3845848 6.234194 -6.079566 0.0007800 0.0111612 Protein MGARP
P45877 -0.9878277 0.2031075 9.368515 -4.863571 0.0007941 0.0112837 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase C
Q14314 -1.9054905 0.3928504 9.365549 -4.850423 0.0008098 0.0113616 Fibroleukin
P35052 -1.2972987 0.2458088 7.795481 -5.277673 0.0008140 0.0113616 Glypican-1;Secreted glypican-1
P02461 -2.9334098 0.5758661 8.364929 -5.093909 0.0008163 0.0113616 Collagen alpha-1(III) chain
P02790 -1.3146905 0.2720008 9.354872 -4.833407 0.0008325 0.0115074 Hemopexin
P01034 -1.4676678 0.2965139 8.807288 -4.949744 0.0008440 0.0115885 Cystatin-C
Q86VP6 -1.3506010 0.2705182 8.501112 -4.992644 0.0008859 0.0119811 Cullin-associated NEDD8-dissociated protein 1
P40261 -1.4439118 0.2999907 9.222067 -4.813188 0.0008923 0.0119811 Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase
Q86VU5 1.3843626 0.2896972 9.368515 4.778653 0.0008967 0.0119811 Catechol O-methyltransferase domain-containing protein 1
P50479 -2.0822296 0.4095061 8.140181 -5.084733 0.0008983 0.0119811 PDZ and LIM domain protein 4
P28300 -1.4644405 0.2816798 7.773354 -5.198955 0.0009021 0.0119811 Protein-lysine 6-oxidase
P06727 -1.0726685 0.2190791 8.789110 -4.896261 0.0009129 0.0120458 Apolipoprotein A-IV
Q15126 -0.9960340 0.2092580 9.368515 -4.759837 0.0009213 0.0120786 Phosphomevalonate kinase
O95183 -1.4512639 0.3056654 9.368515 -4.747885 0.0009374 0.0121420 Vesicle-associated membrane protein 5
Q9HAV4 -1.8358132 0.3517014 7.618651 -5.219806 0.0009381 0.0121420 Exportin-5
Q9NRX4 1.4050508 0.2946685 9.219664 4.768243 0.0009518 0.0122406 14 kDa phosphohistidine phosphatase
Q96H79 -2.2370397 0.3813053 6.149079 -5.866794 0.0009938 0.0127004 Zinc finger CCCH-type antiviral protein 1-like
O43175 -2.0597036 0.4346867 9.169639 -4.738364 0.0010082 0.0127711 D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
O43143 -0.8789725 0.1872152 9.368515 -4.694984 0.0010119 0.0127711 Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX15
P13667 -1.0953363 0.2315013 9.120373 -4.731448 0.0010333 0.0129611 Protein disulfide-isomerase A4
P34932 -0.8861862 0.1892630 9.239908 -4.682301 0.0010698 0.0133366 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4
Q15582 -2.2645249 0.4552254 8.016239 -4.974513 0.0010804 0.0133866 Transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein ig-h3
Q09161 1.9700086 0.3420465 6.161878 5.759476 0.0010883 0.0134025 Nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1
Q9NY15 -1.4385610 0.3131081 9.351844 -4.594455 0.0011770 0.0143377 Stabilin-1
Q9UKX3 1.7720370 0.3830702 9.186578 4.625881 0.0011783 0.0143377 Myosin-13
P46940 -1.1105871 0.2405585 9.187975 -4.616702 0.0011935 0.0144363 Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1
P00747 -0.8238672 0.1805037 9.354274 -4.564268 0.0012294 0.0147814 Plasminogen;Plasmin heavy chain A;Activation peptide;Angiostatin;Plasmin heavy chain A, short form;Plasmin light chain B
P26447 -1.4990741 0.3198741 8.706709 -4.686450 0.0012486 0.0149246 Protein S100-A4
O60262 -1.2559109 0.2675648 8.648172 -4.693856 0.0012587 0.0149574 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-7
Q96CS3 -1.1510089 0.2499576 9.039642 -4.604817 0.0012670 0.0149688 FAS-associated factor 2
Q6UWS5 1.3529266 0.2662058 7.240188 5.082259 0.0012889 0.0151389 Protein PET117 homolog, mitochondrial
P01019 -1.0239723 0.2238020 9.075475 -4.575349 0.0013081 0.0152758 Angiotensinogen;Angiotensin-1;Angiotensin-2;Angiotensin-3;Angiotensin-4;Angiotensin 1-9;Angiotensin 1-7;Angiotensin 1-5;Angiotensin 1-4
O95445 -2.5298428 0.5528034 9.049917 -4.576388 0.0013157 0.0152771 Apolipoprotein M
P27658 -1.6133702 0.3584618 9.368515 -4.500815 0.0013446 0.0154858 Collagen alpha-1(VIII) chain;Vastatin
Q96JB2 -2.0512914 0.4356460 8.368515 -4.708620 0.0013489 0.0154858 Conserved oligomeric Golgi complex subunit 3
Q07507 -1.2545210 0.2597851 7.876778 -4.829072 0.0013648 0.0155371 Dermatopontin
Q9BXV9 1.4430515 0.3197648 9.237464 4.512853 0.0013687 0.0155371 Uncharacterized protein C14orf142
P09619 -1.2391198 0.2747061 9.174768 -4.510711 0.0013968 0.0157678 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta
P02748 -1.2229145 0.2680588 8.861132 -4.562113 0.0014178 0.0159171 Complement component C9;Complement component C9a;Complement component C9b
Q96LL9 -1.2440322 0.2732652 8.758485 -4.552471 0.0014809 0.0165339 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 30
Q04721 1.1483233 0.2577713 9.161674 4.454814 0.0015208 0.0168869 Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 2;Notch 2 extracellular truncation;Notch 2 intracellular domain
Q92930 -1.4774889 0.3068323 7.610113 -4.815297 0.0015297 0.0168928 Ras-related protein Rab-8B
Q9UQR1 -1.7724910 0.3594745 7.181954 -4.930784 0.0015718 0.0172051 Zinc finger protein 148
P54577 -1.0184999 0.2282130 8.964834 -4.462936 0.0015859 0.0172051 Tyrosine–tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic;Tyrosine–tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic, N-terminally processed
O95486 -1.3819063 0.3110275 9.026357 -4.443036 0.0016048 0.0172051 Protein transport protein Sec24A
Q99983 -2.9528995 0.5887154 6.898086 -5.015835 0.0016058 0.0172051 Osteomodulin
P83916 -1.6056296 0.3062406 6.368515 -5.243034 0.0016076 0.0172051 Chromobox protein homolog 1
P03950 -1.7791248 0.3843836 8.153301 -4.628514 0.0016087 0.0172051 Angiogenin
Q9UBV8 -1.1380629 0.2554637 8.905453 -4.454890 0.0016309 0.0173507 Peflin
P15924 0.9266546 0.2127436 9.331901 4.355733 0.0016841 0.0177485 Desmoplakin
Q7Z3T8 -1.3746348 0.3051521 8.534300 -4.504753 0.0016906 0.0177485 Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 16
P00352 -1.1346512 0.2480808 8.199505 -4.573716 0.0017048 0.0177485 Retinal dehydrogenase 1
Q9H1E5 -1.0067111 0.2320392 9.368515 -4.338539 0.0017122 0.0177485 Thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 4
O75489 1.0163873 0.2345130 9.368515 4.334033 0.0017238 0.0177485 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur protein 3, mitochondrial
O15061 -1.1041834 0.2548567 9.368515 -4.332565 0.0017276 0.0177485 Synemin
P62857 -1.3551185 0.2882394 7.661559 -4.701365 0.0017294 0.0177485 40S ribosomal protein S28
P80723 -1.5107829 0.3279300 7.975567 -4.607029 0.0017534 0.0178587 Brain acid soluble protein 1
Q9NS69 -1.0847694 0.2446484 8.743555 -4.433993 0.0017577 0.0178587 Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM22 homolog
P19447 -1.5879548 0.3333670 7.368515 -4.763383 0.0017822 0.0180166 TFIIH basal transcription factor complex helicase XPB subunit
Q96CX2 -0.9045513 0.2094108 9.289387 -4.319506 0.0017970 0.0180770 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein KCTD12
Q9NS86 -0.9960486 0.2292502 9.072623 -4.344811 0.0018293 0.0183114 LanC-like protein 2
P52907 -0.8523732 0.1990185 9.368515 -4.282883 0.0018618 0.0185310 F-actin-capping protein subunit alpha-1
Q08945 -1.3761500 0.3080482 8.368515 -4.467320 0.0018695 0.0185310 FACT complex subunit SSRP1
Q9BYN0 -1.2801043 0.2972043 9.119551 -4.307153 0.0019105 0.0187226 Sulfiredoxin-1
O15118 -2.1247916 0.4187335 6.368515 -5.074329 0.0019107 0.0187226 Niemann-Pick C1 protein
Q9UBB5 1.4388020 0.2837099 6.368515 5.071384 0.0019165 0.0187226 Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2
P62328 -1.3455146 0.2882781 7.467526 -4.667418 0.0019323 0.0187251 Thymosin beta-4;Hematopoietic system regulatory peptide
Q9Y287 -1.6105936 0.3774229 9.306232 -4.267344 0.0019352 0.0187251 Integral membrane protein 2B;BRI2, membrane form;BRI2 intracellular domain;BRI2C, soluble form;Bri23 peptide
Q8N142 1.0768090 0.2519306 9.227805 4.274229 0.0019526 0.0188043 Adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 1
Q14118 -0.8487363 0.1948314 8.729896 -4.356260 0.0019708 0.0188897 Dystroglycan;Alpha-dystroglycan;Beta-dystroglycan
P82663 -1.3399129 0.3163371 9.321073 -4.235712 0.0020224 0.0192935 28S ribosomal protein S25, mitochondrial
P31323 -0.9232942 0.2175357 9.197017 -4.244333 0.0020574 0.0194504 cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-beta regulatory subunit
Q8NAT1 -0.8308927 0.1966105 9.308991 -4.226085 0.0020580 0.0194504 Protein O-linked-mannose beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2
Q07065 -0.9488623 0.2217110 8.907887 -4.279726 0.0020997 0.0196636 Cytoskeleton-associated protein 4
P61009 -0.8882212 0.2043041 8.543558 -4.347545 0.0020999 0.0196636 Signal peptidase complex subunit 3
P50991 -1.5101244 0.3455691 8.412399 -4.369963 0.0021113 0.0196794 T-complex protein 1 subunit delta
P07384 -0.8641607 0.2057730 9.249572 -4.199582 0.0021727 0.0201592 Calpain-1 catalytic subunit
Q6IC98 -0.9057366 0.2103133 8.604001 -4.306605 0.0021886 0.0202149 GRAM domain-containing protein 4
A5D6W6 -2.1994339 0.4938411 7.797294 -4.453728 0.0022680 0.0207816 Fat storage-inducing transmembrane protein 1
P05455 -0.8562036 0.2042908 9.119319 -4.191102 0.0022704 0.0207816 Lupus La protein
Q96AG4 -1.0641384 0.2559899 9.298006 -4.156954 0.0022911 0.0208771 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59
Q12988 -1.0103210 0.2428996 9.203748 -4.159418 0.0023336 0.0211689 Heat shock protein beta-3
Q04760 1.3958984 0.3310671 8.731244 4.216360 0.0024092 0.0217575 Lactoylglutathione lyase
P13796 -0.8819572 0.2124403 9.077821 -4.151553 0.0024329 0.0217925 Plastin-2
Q8IYI6 -0.9330152 0.2271103 9.357653 -4.108203 0.0024345 0.0217925 Exocyst complex component 8
P62277 -1.3005300 0.3165707 9.329038 -4.108181 0.0024504 0.0218387 40S ribosomal protein S13
P61925 1.3913131 0.3116808 7.494591 4.463904 0.0024686 0.0218532 cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alpha
P50238 -1.7621993 0.4213329 8.809214 -4.182439 0.0024817 0.0218532 Cysteine-rich protein 1
Q9H1K0 -1.6022771 0.3566592 7.368515 -4.492460 0.0024843 0.0218532 Rabenosyn-5
Q96A65 -0.8321129 0.2036279 9.365549 -4.086438 0.0025127 0.0220078 Exocyst complex component 4
P05543 -1.1801143 0.2627223 7.296856 -4.491870 0.0025476 0.0222175 Thyroxine-binding globulin
Q9UK22 -1.3974278 0.2914940 6.360323 -4.794019 0.0025763 0.0223721 F-box only protein 2
Q9Y490 -0.8597753 0.2099641 9.136720 -4.094869 0.0026129 0.0225934 Talin-1
P62745 -1.1929691 0.2867990 8.678045 -4.159600 0.0026513 0.0228280 Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoB
P24311 1.1056319 0.2733972 9.368515 4.044050 0.0026803 0.0229807 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7B, mitochondrial
O00625 -1.1028338 0.2729250 9.368515 -4.040795 0.0026938 0.0229958 Pirin
P58546 -1.2963604 0.3154621 8.897011 -4.109402 0.0027047 0.0229958 Myotrophin
O75348 -1.2891767 0.3199876 9.368515 -4.028833 0.0027440 0.0231999 V-type proton ATPase subunit G 1
Q96FN9 -1.7766077 0.4240713 8.368515 -4.189407 0.0027516 0.0231999 Probable D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase 2
P04843 -1.5241453 0.3687786 8.620081 -4.132955 0.0027960 0.0234770 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1
P63316 0.8794535 0.2197962 9.368515 4.001223 0.0028637 0.0236219 Troponin C, slow skeletal and cardiac muscles
Q9UL18 -1.3184619 0.3094006 7.861683 -4.261343 0.0028685 0.0236219 Protein argonaute-1
Q9HB40 -1.4736038 0.3126963 6.309415 -4.712572 0.0028735 0.0236219 Retinoid-inducible serine carboxypeptidase
Q9Y4W6 0.9189304 0.2288559 9.244730 4.015324 0.0028784 0.0236219 AFG3-like protein 2
Q96C86 -0.8529077 0.2113460 9.097353 -4.035599 0.0028837 0.0236219 m7GpppX diphosphatase
Q8N5M1 -1.2833584 0.3177267 9.071102 -4.039190 0.0028851 0.0236219 ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor 2
Q96GK7 -1.2557512 0.2951067 7.858601 -4.255244 0.0028946 0.0236219 Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase domain-containing protein 2A
Q6P1N0 -1.6508051 0.3683246 6.930592 -4.481930 0.0029313 0.0237644 Coiled-coil and C2 domain-containing protein 1A
Q3ZCW2 -1.3933792 0.3090667 6.831572 -4.508345 0.0029448 0.0237644 Galectin-related protein
Q9NQZ5 1.3550021 0.3369968 9.100196 4.020816 0.0029472 0.0237644 StAR-related lipid transfer protein 7, mitochondrial
Q9UKS6 0.9882506 0.2447159 8.940065 4.038359 0.0029764 0.0238244 Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons protein 3
P00492 -0.9642312 0.2388890 8.951031 -4.036314 0.0029780 0.0238244 Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
Q15125 -1.5522594 0.3852969 8.979444 -4.028736 0.0029926 0.0238469 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8),Delta(7)-isomerase
Q9NNX1 3.4412993 0.7418771 6.368515 4.638638 0.0030383 0.0240453 Tuftelin
Q00577 -1.0249972 0.2547767 8.945807 -4.023119 0.0030412 0.0240453 Transcriptional activator protein Pur-alpha
Q53FA7 1.3758827 0.3472331 9.148525 3.962419 0.0031873 0.0251030 Quinone oxidoreductase PIG3
P14555 -3.1616763 0.7154939 6.864718 -4.418872 0.0032350 0.0253806 Phospholipase A2, membrane associated
Q9UHD9 -0.8978150 0.2264057 9.029337 -3.965514 0.0032557 0.0254020 Ubiquilin-2
P25311 -1.0782056 0.2665443 8.504397 -4.045128 0.0032670 0.0254020 Zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein
O95810 -0.7267426 0.1854626 9.339643 -3.918540 0.0032756 0.0254020 Serum deprivation-response protein
P09467 -1.4304382 0.3321100 7.221982 -4.307122 0.0032878 0.0254020 Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1
P50552 -0.9233883 0.2330031 8.984989 -3.962987 0.0033003 0.0254020 Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein
P01303 -1.3886725 0.3517627 8.938580 -3.947754 0.0034118 0.0260658 Pro-neuropeptide Y;Neuropeptide Y;C-flanking peptide of NPY
P53618 -0.9076351 0.2334115 9.368515 -3.888561 0.0034122 0.0260658 Coatomer subunit beta
Q7L4E1 -1.9056994 0.4891450 9.152083 -3.895980 0.0035267 0.0266923 Protein FAM73B
O15031 -0.9094327 0.2323003 9.006842 -3.914900 0.0035331 0.0266923 Plexin-B2
Q9BVC6 -1.1958920 0.3093192 9.368515 -3.866207 0.0035336 0.0266923 Transmembrane protein 109
Q92575 -0.9922287 0.2514210 8.704054 -3.946483 0.0036021 0.0269450 UBX domain-containing protein 4
P28070 -0.9263111 0.2265329 7.880089 -4.089080 0.0036037 0.0269450 Proteasome subunit beta type-4
Q8IYU8 -3.0629900 0.6834395 6.368515 -4.481728 0.0036143 0.0269450 Calcium uptake protein 2, mitochondrial
Q96MM6 1.8061841 0.4127928 6.692352 4.375523 0.0036201 0.0269450 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 12B
Q7KZF4 -0.8794696 0.2290501 9.368515 -3.839639 0.0036838 0.0272453 Staphylococcal nuclease domain-containing protein 1
P21980 -0.9178411 0.2354438 8.925059 -3.898346 0.0036872 0.0272453 Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 2
Q14258 -0.9919848 0.2475034 8.199522 -4.007964 0.0037143 0.0273462 E3 ubiquitin/ISG15 ligase TRIM25
A6NDG6 1.0711621 0.2778811 9.119206 3.854750 0.0037836 0.0275442 Phosphoglycolate phosphatase
Q8IUX7 -2.3978246 0.4997419 5.506029 -4.798126 0.0037891 0.0275442 Adipocyte enhancer-binding protein 1
P43121 -1.0780079 0.2729286 8.460052 -3.949780 0.0037919 0.0275442 Cell surface glycoprotein MUC18
P14625 -0.9671286 0.2529912 9.351322 -3.822776 0.0037955 0.0275442 Endoplasmin
P10109 0.8708452 0.2262157 9.123936 3.849623 0.0038099 0.0275506 Adrenodoxin, mitochondrial
Q9Y2D4 -1.5165389 0.3883438 8.670699 -3.905145 0.0038589 0.0277544 Exocyst complex component 6B
P27695 -1.4919668 0.3916934 9.368515 -3.809017 0.0038654 0.0277544 DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase;DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase, mitochondrial
E5RK69 -1.1254137 0.2963660 9.368515 -3.797378 0.0039369 0.0281680 Annexin
Q96PK6 -0.9252023 0.2414612 9.066841 -3.831680 0.0039627 0.0282430 RNA-binding protein 14
Q9Y5U8 -2.4800568 0.6520088 9.267735 -3.803717 0.0039751 0.0282430 Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 1
Q15738 -1.0818010 0.2856470 9.368515 -3.787196 0.0040005 0.0283243 Sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase, decarboxylating
Q9BWJ5 -1.1786521 0.3118418 9.368515 -3.779648 0.0040484 0.0285637 Splicing factor 3B subunit 5
Q01581 -1.5736067 0.3810212 7.264691 -4.129971 0.0040639 0.0285737 Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic
P62312 -1.5682756 0.4058646 8.682788 -3.864037 0.0040916 0.0286287 U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm6
P31949 -0.9710473 0.2572068 9.320482 -3.775357 0.0041136 0.0286287 Protein S100-A11;Protein S100-A11, N-terminally processed
P04207 -1.4064185 0.3678959 8.921399 -3.822871 0.0041385 0.0286287 Ig kappa chain V-III region CLL
P78406 -1.6990379 0.3860209 6.248772 -4.401414 0.0041396 0.0286287 mRNA export factor
P49773 -0.9406572 0.2498333 9.368515 -3.765139 0.0041421 0.0286287 Histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1
P27169 -1.0408608 0.2721419 8.886557 -3.824700 0.0041569 0.0286334 Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1
Q13636 -1.9750968 0.4475747 6.181801 -4.412887 0.0041942 0.0287929 Ras-related protein Rab-31
Q96EM0 -1.2281296 0.3139401 8.248715 -3.911987 0.0042092 0.0287984 Trans-3-hydroxy-L-proline dehydratase
Q2TAY7 -1.0380001 0.2740649 9.064251 -3.787425 0.0042446 0.0289045 WD40 repeat-containing protein SMU1;WD40 repeat-containing protein SMU1, N-terminally processed
Q9BT09 -1.2017444 0.3172898 9.053373 -3.787530 0.0042532 0.0289045 Protein canopy homolog 3
P01699 -1.9617461 0.4491212 6.250045 -4.367966 0.0042950 0.0290912 Ig lambda chain V-I region VOR
P00488 -1.1450813 0.3057007 9.222895 -3.745760 0.0043905 0.0296393 Coagulation factor XIII A chain
Q04941 -1.3354806 0.3552191 9.070341 -3.759597 0.0044259 0.0297432 Proteolipid protein 2
P01611 -1.3210912 0.3549489 9.368515 -3.721919 0.0044351 0.0297432 Ig kappa chain V-I region Wes
P07360 -0.9508577 0.2503895 8.706976 -3.797514 0.0044972 0.0299271 Complement component C8 gamma chain
O75165 -0.7578962 0.2029693 9.179846 -3.734044 0.0045087 0.0299271 DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 13
Q9BXF6 -0.8964783 0.2416746 9.368515 -3.709444 0.0045237 0.0299271 Rab11 family-interacting protein 5
Q02818 -1.1067621 0.2686961 6.943204 -4.119011 0.0045442 0.0299271 Nucleobindin-1
Q9UNN8 -1.2379487 0.3234874 8.454603 -3.826884 0.0045452 0.0299271 Endothelial protein C receptor
Q96KP1 -1.0392328 0.2563923 7.216104 -4.053292 0.0045509 0.0299271 Exocyst complex component 2
P46063 -0.7705141 0.2065451 9.131319 -3.730488 0.0045761 0.0299956 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q1
Q9HBL0 1.0363941 0.2703946 8.368515 3.832895 0.0045923 0.0299978 Tensin-1
P20042 -0.8792944 0.2360783 9.145397 -3.724588 0.0046060 0.0299978 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 2
Q8IVD9 -0.9380220 0.2431350 8.146885 -3.858029 0.0046582 0.0301927 NudC domain-containing protein 3
Q13011 0.8580498 0.2280683 8.786732 3.762249 0.0046656 0.0301927 Delta(3,5)-Delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase, mitochondrial
Q5JUQ0 2.8054144 0.6820706 6.812210 4.113085 0.0047695 0.0307667 Protein FAM78A
P10643 -1.1503065 0.3105471 9.107891 -3.704129 0.0047894 0.0307978 Complement component C7
Q9Y5U9 -0.9688010 0.2518740 8.062092 -3.846372 0.0048314 0.0308069 Immediate early response 3-interacting protein 1
P31689 -1.4848105 0.3869055 8.103416 -3.837657 0.0048449 0.0308069 DnaJ homolog subfamily A member 1
Q53GG5 1.0396066 0.2790390 8.863381 3.725668 0.0048577 0.0308069 PDZ and LIM domain protein 3
Q04837 -1.2706968 0.3379158 8.599329 -3.760395 0.0048634 0.0308069 Single-stranded DNA-binding protein, mitochondrial
Q9BU61 -1.2937160 0.3532972 9.368515 -3.661835 0.0048791 0.0308069 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex assembly factor 3
Q9BXR6 -1.3408193 0.3662422 9.365549 -3.661018 0.0048880 0.0308069 Complement factor H-related protein 5
Q08357 -1.2512681 0.3308816 8.413610 -3.781619 0.0049024 0.0308069 Sodium-dependent phosphate transporter 2
Q9HCN8 -0.8376149 0.2283304 9.273239 -3.668434 0.0049121 0.0308069 Stromal cell-derived factor 2-like protein 1
Q8NDY3 1.2548368 0.3406660 9.014277 3.683481 0.0050345 0.0314287 [Protein ADP-ribosylarginine] hydrolase-like protein 1
P61020 -0.8349426 0.2253006 8.815114 -3.705906 0.0050548 0.0314287 Ras-related protein Rab-5B
P00918 -0.9493414 0.2601140 9.275546 -3.649713 0.0050577 0.0314287 Carbonic anhydrase 2
Q8TDB6 -0.9819803 0.2672730 9.050201 -3.674073 0.0050741 0.0314345 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase DTX3L
P31994-2 -0.7713913 0.2103426 9.070422 -3.667309 0.0051084 0.0315512 Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II-b
Q8NBF2 -0.8115466 0.2231788 9.295600 -3.636307 0.0051478 0.0315923 NHL repeat-containing protein 2
O00299 -0.9153236 0.2514532 9.252980 -3.640136 0.0051558 0.0315923 Chloride intracellular channel protein 1
Q9UBI9 -1.9350473 0.4881616 7.179374 -3.963948 0.0051638 0.0315923 Headcase protein homolog
O75663 -1.6975991 0.4619527 8.937706 -3.674833 0.0051773 0.0315923 TIP41-like protein
Q9Y5J7 -1.4394711 0.3975400 9.368515 -3.620946 0.0052076 0.0316822 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim9
Q8WUM0 -0.7928646 0.2184077 9.225248 -3.630204 0.0052636 0.0318998 Nuclear pore complex protein Nup133
O15121 -1.3734454 0.3779039 9.176918 -3.634377 0.0052748 0.0318998 Sphingolipid delta(4)-desaturase DES1
P00742 -1.3361965 0.3240987 6.367292 -4.122808 0.0054523 0.0328758 Coagulation factor X;Factor X light chain;Factor X heavy chain;Activated factor Xa heavy chain
P46777 -1.0578875 0.2886020 8.705364 -3.665559 0.0054928 0.0330217 60S ribosomal protein L5
Q6P1L8 0.6856534 0.1900803 9.150911 3.607177 0.0055315 0.0331366 39S ribosomal protein L14, mitochondrial
P49756 -0.8733625 0.2438382 9.368515 -3.581729 0.0055445 0.0331366 RNA-binding protein 25
Q15493 -1.5865116 0.4375794 8.953910 -3.625654 0.0055701 0.0331921 Regucalcin
O00567 -1.6066654 0.4490317 9.293824 -3.578067 0.0056491 0.0335642 Nucleolar protein 56
Q9H4A6 -0.9863755 0.2760422 9.281309 -3.573278 0.0057047 0.0337956 Golgi phosphoprotein 3
Q6PCE3 -1.3068366 0.3388515 7.308933 -3.856665 0.0057421 0.0338380 Glucose 1,6-bisphosphate synthase
P24752 0.8145171 0.2252393 8.863954 3.616231 0.0057474 0.0338380 Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, mitochondrial
O15144 -1.0266458 0.2834111 8.799457 -3.622462 0.0057618 0.0338380 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 2
Q9Y646 -0.6906706 0.1939266 9.242400 -3.561506 0.0058516 0.0342667 Carboxypeptidase Q
Q1KMD3 -0.9588418 0.2678819 9.013577 -3.579346 0.0059224 0.0345813 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like protein 2
P06396 -1.1557324 0.3165530 8.403242 -3.650991 0.0059628 0.0347174 Gelsolin
P56199 -0.8817502 0.2433801 8.591843 -3.622935 0.0059912 0.0347281 Integrin alpha-1
P62330 -0.7931556 0.2225041 9.070930 -3.564678 0.0059988 0.0347281 ADP-ribosylation factor 6
Q9HAN9 1.2305740 0.3215603 7.269312 3.826884 0.0060368 0.0347644 Nicotinamide/nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 1
Q96PE7 -1.1472298 0.3251386 9.368515 -3.528434 0.0060393 0.0347644 Methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase, mitochondrial
P17050 -0.9454418 0.2670070 9.104364 -3.540888 0.0061917 0.0355410 Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase
Q9UBS4 -1.7470606 0.4933708 8.992939 -3.541070 0.0063113 0.0361182 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 11
Q9H9B4 -0.7776690 0.2176678 8.706871 -3.572734 0.0063278 0.0361182 Sideroflexin-1
Q8TCJ2 -0.8698436 0.2449287 8.869231 -3.551416 0.0063483 0.0361335 Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3B
P62191 -1.0000517 0.2845330 9.150000 -3.514713 0.0064034 0.0363282 26S protease regulatory subunit 4
Q9Y5Z7 -1.9019574 0.4671411 6.064616 -4.071484 0.0064182 0.0363282 Host cell factor 2
P01597 -2.2333895 0.6336670 8.991128 -3.524548 0.0064791 0.0365707 Ig kappa chain V-I region DEE
P23284 -0.7744408 0.2195725 8.930613 -3.527040 0.0065225 0.0367138 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B
P05062 -2.0647894 0.5509893 7.365549 -3.747422 0.0065557 0.0367988 Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B
P60903 -0.8289441 0.2370745 9.149846 -3.496555 0.0065908 0.0368796 Protein S100-A10
O43920 0.8295850 0.2371029 9.112623 3.498840 0.0066082 0.0368796 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur protein 5
Q68DH5 -0.9839434 0.2736831 8.292742 -3.595192 0.0066245 0.0368796 LMBR1 domain-containing protein 2
P08754 -1.0292580 0.2970305 9.368515 -3.465159 0.0066871 0.0369628 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(k) subunit alpha
O75643 -0.7286175 0.2103421 9.368515 -3.463964 0.0067000 0.0369628 U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 200 kDa helicase
Q9HAV7 0.8532336 0.2444747 9.112699 3.490070 0.0067006 0.0369628 GrpE protein homolog 1, mitochondrial
P15848 0.9204565 0.2587601 8.518770 3.557181 0.0067122 0.0369628 Arylsulfatase B
P30050 -1.1309945 0.3250772 9.188767 -3.479157 0.0067322 0.0369723 60S ribosomal protein L12
P17540 0.9216483 0.2461009 7.246829 3.745002 0.0067743 0.0370720 Creatine kinase S-type, mitochondrial
P27797 -0.8755252 0.2533742 9.365549 -3.455464 0.0067958 0.0370720 Calreticulin
O14807 -0.9860449 0.2835215 9.126236 -3.477849 0.0068164 0.0370720 Ras-related protein M-Ras
O43290 -0.7436611 0.2154130 9.368515 -3.452257 0.0068279 0.0370720 U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 1
P98160 -0.6944147 0.2002054 9.194052 -3.468511 0.0068415 0.0370720 Basement membrane-specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan core protein;Endorepellin;LG3 peptide
Q9GZY4 -1.6172207 0.4429683 7.724104 -3.650873 0.0068891 0.0371704 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 1 homolog
Q16204 -0.7607082 0.2170359 8.804087 -3.504989 0.0069024 0.0371704 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 6
Q14019 -2.3417241 0.5970441 6.368515 -3.922196 0.0069146 0.0371704 Coactosin-like protein
O75190-3 1.2231318 0.3561256 9.368515 3.434552 0.0070261 0.0375719 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 6
Q9Y623 -1.9955095 0.5624635 8.347526 -3.547803 0.0070339 0.0375719 Myosin-4
P30101 -0.7361350 0.2143226 9.350033 -3.434705 0.0070447 0.0375719 Protein disulfide-isomerase A3
Q12907 -1.6602075 0.4672046 8.262135 -3.553491 0.0070910 0.0377197 Vesicular integral-membrane protein VIP36
O75533 -0.7480960 0.2181250 9.229376 -3.429667 0.0072389 0.0383395 Splicing factor 3B subunit 1
P21281 -1.3428216 0.3926752 9.325789 -3.419675 0.0072453 0.0383395 V-type proton ATPase subunit B, brain isoform
Q6ZVF9 -1.5316163 0.3683301 5.459015 -4.158271 0.0073138 0.0386019 G protein-regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth 3
P41208 -1.1048997 0.3218685 9.069961 -3.432767 0.0073904 0.0389048 Centrin-2
P32119 -0.8759792 0.2446886 7.845250 -3.579976 0.0074241 0.0389814 Peroxiredoxin-2
P55735 -0.9148870 0.2645670 8.693582 -3.458054 0.0075682 0.0395989 Protein SEC13 homolog
P56192 -1.0251690 0.2974827 8.778730 -3.446146 0.0075968 0.0395989 Methionine–tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic
Q5VUM1 0.7587056 0.2227605 9.162066 3.405926 0.0076002 0.0395989 Succinate dehydrogenase assembly factor 4, mitochondrial
Q8NBJ5 -1.0090957 0.2920525 8.662097 -3.455185 0.0076436 0.0396399 Procollagen galactosyltransferase 1
O43707 -1.3709413 0.3948544 8.502779 -3.472018 0.0076624 0.0396399 Alpha-actinin-4
P11021 -0.6930674 0.2026785 8.964949 -3.419540 0.0076773 0.0396399 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein
P02749 -0.9821379 0.2870969 8.944681 -3.420929 0.0076861 0.0396399 Beta-2-glycoprotein 1
Q92805 1.3677629 0.3987991 8.806786 3.429704 0.0077571 0.0398243 Golgin subfamily A member 1
Q96G03 -0.8738839 0.2590704 9.368515 -3.373152 0.0077610 0.0398243 Phosphoglucomutase-2
Q9UK41 -1.5562781 0.4608152 9.216740 -3.377228 0.0078906 0.0403869 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 28 homolog
P61026 -0.8659400 0.2419876 7.550336 -3.578447 0.0079279 0.0404763 Ras-related protein Rab-10
P43686 -1.2985795 0.3872675 9.346257 -3.353185 0.0080435 0.0409059 26S protease regulatory subunit 6B
Q6Y288 -1.0690665 0.3176467 9.206542 -3.365583 0.0080524 0.0409059 Beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase
Q9BVG4 -1.4282890 0.4270144 9.367831 -3.344827 0.0081274 0.0411504 Protein PBDC1
Q9UBQ0 -1.1043560 0.3287126 9.187820 -3.359640 0.0081530 0.0411504 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 29
Q6ICB0 -2.0382992 0.5474803 6.643568 -3.723055 0.0081612 0.0411504 Desumoylating isopeptidase 1
O60568 -1.0635431 0.3196277 9.368515 -3.327443 0.0083597 0.0419548 Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 3
Q5T447 -1.0258262 0.3034558 8.818363 -3.380480 0.0083620 0.0419548 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HECTD3
P17174 0.8269867 0.2471121 9.140033 3.346605 0.0083865 0.0419739 Aspartate aminotransferase, cytoplasmic
Q14011 -1.6060873 0.4676159 8.235300 -3.434629 0.0085122 0.0424981 Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein
Q9BSH5 -0.8065712 0.2403739 8.926460 -3.355486 0.0085480 0.0425722 Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain-containing protein 3
Q9HCJ6 -0.8677868 0.2621555 9.365549 -3.310199 0.0086016 0.0427344 Synaptic vesicle membrane protein VAT-1 homolog-like
P16455 -0.7988054 0.2337279 8.299782 -3.417673 0.0086305 0.0427738 Methylated-DNA–protein-cysteine methyltransferase
Q96LD4 -2.0603233 0.5321496 5.836190 -3.871700 0.0087047 0.0429367 Tripartite motif-containing protein 47
Q9BX97 -1.3847012 0.3968594 7.706232 -3.489148 0.0087057 0.0429367 Plasmalemma vesicle-associated protein
P29992 -1.0018710 0.2947420 8.384398 -3.399146 0.0087438 0.0430202 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-11
P05387 -0.7447264 0.2248827 9.209711 -3.311622 0.0087797 0.0430925 60S acidic ribosomal protein P2
P51692 -1.6950637 0.5100261 9.048184 -3.323484 0.0088256 0.0432133 Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B
O60927 -0.9472893 0.2647529 7.020703 -3.578013 0.0089556 0.0437412 Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 11
A4D2B0 -1.7140517 0.5058266 8.315238 -3.388615 0.0089934 0.0437412 Metallo-beta-lactamase domain-containing protein 1
P16083 -1.0028849 0.2964031 8.356423 -3.383517 0.0089980 0.0437412 Ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase [quinone]
Q13425 -0.7615654 0.2315077 9.255655 -3.289589 0.0090372 0.0438273 Beta-2-syntrophin
I3L505 1.1922390 0.3573157 8.690314 3.336654 0.0091435 0.0442372 Acyl carrier protein
Q9NX08 -0.7274661 0.2206444 8.946597 -3.297007 0.0093494 0.0450351 COMM domain-containing protein 8
Q96CN7 -1.0144660 0.3094032 9.139815 -3.278783 0.0093528 0.0450351 Isochorismatase domain-containing protein 1
O43592 -0.8026366 0.2463151 9.275503 -3.258576 0.0094768 0.0454806 Exportin-T
Q8N392 2.3552996 0.6371457 6.220195 3.696642 0.0094949 0.0454806 Rho GTPase-activating protein 18
P01621 -1.1890923 0.3617739 8.939202 -3.286838 0.0095124 0.0454806 Ig kappa chain V-III region NG9
Q9UMR3 -1.6328959 0.4711365 7.368515 -3.465866 0.0096536 0.0460471 T-box transcription factor TBX20
P35754 0.8371729 0.2577884 9.204719 3.247520 0.0097457 0.0463777 Glutaredoxin-1
O60503 1.2572380 0.3410186 6.155432 3.686714 0.0097914 0.0464861 Adenylate cyclase type 9
Q13825 1.3948092 0.4331033 9.368515 3.220500 0.0099550 0.0471527 Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial
O95159 -1.7663091 0.5270945 8.009301 -3.351029 0.0100480 0.0474828 Zinc finger protein-like 1
Q8IWU2 -0.7035098 0.2110972 8.107735 -3.332635 0.0101485 0.0477214 Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK2
Q6B0K9 -1.3448839 0.3993022 7.802404 -3.368085 0.0101788 0.0477214 Hemoglobin subunit mu
Q13541 0.9175109 0.2861883 9.368515 3.205969 0.0101948 0.0477214 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1
Q6UXG3 1.6474617 0.5118899 9.214163 3.218390 0.0102036 0.0477214 CMRF35-like molecule 9
P03915 -1.1507202 0.3487824 8.365531 -3.299250 0.0102160 0.0477214 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 5
P14174 -0.8418646 0.2604176 8.972480 -3.232749 0.0103183 0.0480721 Macrophage migration inhibitory factor
P34947 -1.4080509 0.4397019 9.309723 -3.202285 0.0103383 0.0480721 G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5
O75436 -0.9929865 0.3057820 8.699459 -3.247368 0.0104998 0.0487005 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26A
P19474 -1.1365988 0.3407498 7.878639 -3.335581 0.0105265 0.0487005 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM21
O14656 -1.8183830 0.5546926 8.368515 -3.278181 0.0105458 0.0487005 Torsin-1A
Q08AG7 -1.1984106 0.3483075 7.109531 -3.440669 0.0105693 0.0487005 Mitotic-spindle organizing protein 1
P05060 -2.3136323 0.6779642 7.262114 -3.412617 0.0106338 0.0488867 Secretogranin-1;PE-11;GAWK peptide;CCB peptide
Q08211 -0.6963521 0.2190460 9.365549 -3.179022 0.0106598 0.0488953 ATP-dependent RNA helicase A
Q0VAK6 1.1733962 0.3600666 8.440932 3.258831 0.0107382 0.0491443 Leiomodin-3
P51665 -0.7816374 0.2456015 9.245677 -3.182543 0.0107697 0.0491777 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 7
Q9H2J4 -0.8248510 0.2601050 9.365549 -3.171223 0.0107971 0.0491799 Phosducin-like protein 3
Q8IWB7 1.6050991 0.4817042 7.757101 3.332126 0.0108186 0.0491799 WD repeat and FYVE domain-containing protein 1
P51970 0.7463947 0.2339250 9.052480 3.190743 0.0109130 0.0494170 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 8
Q15691 -0.9045387 0.2773318 8.310907 -3.261576 0.0109194 0.0494170 Microtubule-associated protein RP/EB family member 1

4.6 Interaction

4.6.1 Volcano-plot

volcanoInt <- ggplot(rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"locationR:tissueV",
                 aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(pval), color = adjPval < 0.05)) +
 geom_point(cex = 2.5) +
 scale_color_manual(values = alpha(c("black", "red"), 0.5)) + theme_minimal()

4.6.2 Heatmap

There were no genes significant at the 5% FDR level. We return the top 25 genes.

sigNamesInt <- rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"locationR:tissueV" %>%
 rownames_to_column("proteinRobust") %>%
 filter(adjPval<0.05) %>%
hlp <- order((rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"locationR:tissueV")[,"adjPval"])[1:25]
heatmap(assay(pe[["proteinRobust"]])[hlp, ])

There are 0 proteins significantly differentially expressed at the 5% FDR level.

rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"locationR:tissueV" %>%
  cbind(.,rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$Protein.names) %>%
  na.exclude %>%
  filter(adjPval<0.05) %>%

5 Large difference in number of proteins that are returned

Note, that much more proteins are returned significant for average contrast (\(\log_2 FC_{V-A}\)) as compared to contrast for assessing the fold change between ventriculum and atrium left and right. The power for the average contrast is larger than for the contrast left or right because the log2 FC can be estimated with higher precision.

For none of the proteins the interaction was significant (change in log2 FC between ventriculum and atrium in the right vs the left heart region). The power for the interaction is typically low.

5.1 Reason

Part of variance covariance matrix of model parameters due to design:

X <- model.matrix(~ location*tissue + patient, colData(pe))
covarUnscaled <- solve(t(X) %*% X)

Variance of contrasts (diagonal elements) due to design

varContrasts <- t(L)%*%covarUnscaled%*%L %>%
##                           tissueV       tissueV + locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.6666667                         0.6666667 
## tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV                 locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.3333333                         1.3333333
##                           tissueV       tissueV + locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.8164966                         0.8164966 
## tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV                 locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.5773503                         1.1547005

So it is clear that the standard error of the log2 FC left and right is the same. That of the average contrast is a factor \(\sqrt{2}\) smaller! Indeed, we use double the number of samples to estimate it!

## tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV 
##                               0.5
## tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.7071068
## [1] 0.7071068

The standard error of the interaction is a factor \(\sqrt{2}\) larger than that of the main effects!

## locationR:tissueV 
##                 2
## locationR:tissueV 
##          1.414214
## [1] 1.414214

5.2 Msqrob

This is not the case for the standard errors of protein 2???

rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + locationR:tissueV"[2,]
rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV"[2,]

Because msqrob is using robust regression to assess DE!

pe %>%
  colData %>%
  as_tibble %>%

For protein 2 the samples at the left and right side have different weights!

5.2.1 Part of standard error due to design:

covUnscaledRobust <- solve(
  t(X) %*%
    getModel(rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$msqrobModels[[2]])$w) %*% X)

varContrastsRobust <- t(L)%*%covUnscaledRobust%*%L %>%
##                           tissueV       tissueV + locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.7161526                         0.8673176 
## tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV                 locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.3937862                         1.5917957
##                           tissueV       tissueV + locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.8462580                         0.9312989 
## tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV                 locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.6275239                         1.2616639

5.2.2 Standard errors Contrasts

sqrt(varContrastsRobust) * getSigmaPosterior(rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$msqrobModels[[2]])
##                           tissueV       tissueV + locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.5564844                         0.6124058 
## tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV                 locationR:tissueV 
##                         0.4126486                         0.8296480
rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + locationR:tissueV"[2,]
rowData(pe[["proteinRobust"]])$"tissueV + 0.5 * locationR:tissueV"[2,]