In this tutorial, we will learn how to import, tidy, wrangle and
visualize data. All steps will be demonstrated for one example dataset. This
tutorial is strongly based on material from the opencasestudies
initiative, see link.
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) contains data that has been collected since 1960. For this tutorial, we will make use of the data that were collected between 2009 and 2012, for 10.000 U.S. civilians. The dataset contains a large number of physical, demographic, nutritional and life-style-related parameters.
However, before we can actually start working with data, we will need to learn how to import the required datasets into our Rstudio environment.
The tidyverse is “an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying philosophy and common APIs.”
Another way of putting it is that it’s a set of packages that are useful specifically for data manipulation, exploration and visualization with a common philosophy.
The common philosophy is called “tidy” data. It is a standard way of mapping the meaning of a dataset to its structure.
In tidy data:
Below, we are interested in transforming the table on the right to the the table on the left, which is considered “tidy”.
Working with tidy data is useful because it creates a structured way of organizing data values within a data set. This makes the data analysis process more efficient and simplifies the development of data analysis tools that work together. In this way, you can focus on the problem you are investigating, rather than the uninteresting logistics of data.
R packageWe can install and load the set of R packages using
When we load the tidyverse package using library(tidyverse)
there are six core R packages that load:
Here, we load in the tidyverse.
These packages are highlighted in bold here:
Because these packages all share the “tidy” philosophy, the data analysis workflow is easier as you move from package to package.
Here, we will focus on the readr
, dplyr
and ggplot2
R packages to import
data, to wrangle data and to visualize the data, respectively.
Next, we will give a brief description of the features in each of these packages.
There are several base R functions that allow you
read in data into R, which you may be familiar
with such as read.table()
, read.csv()
and read.delim()
. Instead of using these,
we will use the functions in the
R package. The main reasons for this are
Compared to equivalent base R functions, the
functions in readr
are around 10x faster.
You can specify the column types (e.g character, integer, double, logical, date, time, etc)
All parsing problems are recorded in a data frame.
R packagelibrary(readr)
The main functions in readr
readr functions |
Description |
read_delim() |
reads in a flat file data with a given character to separate fields |
read_csv() |
reads in a CSV file |
read_tsv() |
reads in a file with values separated by tabs |
read_lines() |
reads only a certain number of lines from the file |
read_file() |
reads a complete file into a string |
write_csv() |
writes data frame to CSV |
A useful cheatsheet for the functions in the
package can be found on RStudio’s website:
Let’s try reading in some data. We will begin by
reading in the NHANES.csv
<- read_csv("") NHANES
## Rows: 10000 Columns: 76
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (31): SurveyYr, Gender, AgeDecade, Race1, Race3, Education, MaritalStatu...
## dbl (45): ID, Age, AgeMonths, HHIncomeMid, Poverty, HomeRooms, Weight, Lengt...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# knitr::kable(NHANES[c(1,4,5,6,7,8),c(1,3,4,7,17,20,21,25)],format = "markdown")
c(1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), c(
# display a select set of variable and subjects )]
at your dataOne last thing in this section.
One way to look at our data would be to use
or tail()
, as we just saw.
Another one you might have heard of is the
function. One you might not have
heard of is the glimpse()
function. It’s
used for a special type of object in R called
a tibble
. Let’s read the help file to learn
::tibble ?tibble
It’s kind of like print()
where it shows you
columns running down the page. Let’s try it out.
glimpse(NHANES[, 1:10])
## Rows: 10,000
## Columns: 10
## $ ID <dbl> 51624, 51624, 51624, 51625, 51630, 51638, 51646, 51647, …
## $ SurveyYr <chr> "2009_10", "2009_10", "2009_10", "2009_10", "2009_10", "…
## $ Gender <chr> "male", "male", "male", "male", "female", "male", "male"…
## $ Age <dbl> 34, 34, 34, 4, 49, 9, 8, 45, 45, 45, 66, 58, 54, 10, 58,…
## $ AgeDecade <chr> "30-39", "30-39", "30-39", "0-9", "40-49", "0-9", "0-9",…
## $ AgeMonths <dbl> 409, 409, 409, 49, 596, 115, 101, 541, 541, 541, 795, 70…
## $ Race1 <chr> "White", "White", "White", "Other", "White", "White", "W…
## $ Race3 <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
## $ Education <chr> "High School", "High School", "High School", NA, "Some C…
## $ MaritalStatus <chr> "Married", "Married", "Married", NA, "LivePartner", NA, …
# or glimpse(NHANES) to see all the variables in the dataset
A subset of the data analysis process can be thought about in the following way:
where each of these steps needs its own tools and software to complete.
After we import the data into R, if we are going to take advantage of the “tidyverse”, this means we need to transform the data into a form that is “tidy”. If you recall, in tidy data:
For example, consider the following dataset:
Alternatively, a data set can be structured in the following way:
In both cases, the data is the same, but the structure is different. This can be frustrating to deal with as an analyst because the meaning of the values (rows and columns) in the two data sets are different. Providing a standardized way of organizing values within a data set would alleviate a major portion of this frustration.
For motivation, a tidy version of the stock data we looked at above looks like this: (we’ll learn how the functions work in just a moment)
In this “tidy” data set, we have three columns representing three variables (time, company name and stock price). Every row represents contains one stock price from a particular time and for a specific company.
If we consider our NHANES
dataframe, we see it is already in
a tidy format, as;
Each row contains all of the information on a single subject (US civilian) in the study.
After we finished with the manipulation and visualization of the NHANES dataset, we will additional work with a dataset on the effects of a certain drug, captopril, on the systolic and diastolic blood pressure of patients. This will not be a tidy dataset. Therefore, the details of tidying data with tidyverse will be described below.
R packagedplyr
R package ?dplyr
is a powerful R-package to transform and summarize
tabular data with rows and columns.
The package contains a set of functions (or “verbs”) to perform common data manipulation operations such as filtering for rows, selecting specific columns, re-ordering rows, adding new columns and summarizing data.
In addition, dplyr
contains a useful function to
perform another common task which is the is the
“split-apply-combine” concept. We will discuss
that in a little bit.
R package compare with base functions RIf you are familiar with R, you are probably familiar
with base R functions such as split()
, subset()
, sapply()
, lapply()
, tapply()
. Compared to base functions in R, the
functions in dplyr
are easier to work with, are
more consistent in the syntax and are targeted for
data analysis around data frames instead of just vectors.
The important dplyr
verbs to remember are:
dplyr verbs |
Description |
select() |
select columns |
filter() |
filter rows |
arrange() |
re-order or arrange rows |
mutate() |
create new columns |
summarize() |
summarize values |
group_by() |
allows for group operations in the “split-apply-combine” concept |
Before we go any further, let’s introduce the
pipe operator: %>%
. In the stocks
we briefly saw this symbol. It is called the
pipe operator. dplyr
this operator from another package
see help file here.
This operator allows you to pipe the output
from one function to the input of another
function. Instead of nesting functions
(reading from the inside to the
outside), the idea of of piping is to
read the functions from left to right.
In the online stocks
example, we can pipe the
data frame to the function that will
gather multiple columns into key-value pairs.
and separate()
First, let’s unite the ID
and SurveyYr
in the NHANES
dataset to a single column united
To do this, we will use the unite()
function in the tidyr
Note that:
= unite multiple columns into oneseparate()
= separate one column into multiple columnslibrary(tidyverse)
<- NHANES %>%
NHANES unite(United,
IDsep = "-"
Let us walk through the snippet of code from above. First, we need to specify the name of the dataset that we want to work with. Next, we use the pipe command to pipe the output from the first function (here this is simply taking the NHANES dataset) to the input of another function (in this case, the unite function). Finally, we apply the unite function. In this example, the unite function takes three arguments 1. The name of the new column, as a string or symbol 2. A selection of colums we want to unite 3. The separator to use between values
The behaviour of the unite function is as expected; the initial variables
and SurveyYr
are now united into a new variable united
The separate()
function performs the exact opposite operation of the
function, as shown below;
<- NHANES %>%
NHANES separate(United,
sep = "-",
into = c("ID", "SurveyYear")
The two most basic functions are select()
which selects columns and filters
rows, respectively.
To select a range of columns by name, use the “:” (colon) operator
NHANES select(Gender:Age)
To select all columns that start with the
character string “t”, use the function starts_with()
NHANES select(starts_with("t"))
Some additional options to select columns based on a specific criteria include
= Select columns that end with
a character stringcontains()
= Select columns that contain
a character stringmatches()
= Select columns that match a
regular expressionone_of()
= Select columns names that are
from a group of namesfilter()
Let’s say we want to investigate weight of
men that
are older than 18 years old, and
that are taller than 120 cm
NHANES select(c("Gender", "Age", "Weight", "Height")) %>% ## select four colums
== "male",
Gender > 18,
Age > 120
Height ## filter observations (rows) based on the required values )
Now, let’s say we want to see the NHANES data ordered from
lowest to highest Age
. To arrange (or re-order) rows by
a particular column you’ll use the arrange()
NHANES arrange(Age)
With this suite of tidyr fucntions, in combination with base R logical expression, we can easily select all of the required data to assess specific, detailed research questions.
(*) Example; Within the Race1 category of Hispanics, select women that are not married and display the first five by descending height.
Hint: use the desc()
function inside of
to order rows in a descending order.
NHANES select(c("Race1", "Gender", "MaritalStatus", "Height")) %>%
filter(MaritalStatus != "Married", Race1 == "Hispanic", Gender == "female") %>%
arrange(desc(Height)) %>%
head(n = 5)
Let’s say we don’t trust the BMI values in our dataset and we decide to calculate them ourselves. BMI is typically calculated by taking a person’s weigth (in kg) and dividing it by the its height (in m) squared.
We will now construct a new column, BMI_self, by adopting
this formula. To create new columns, we will use
the mutate()
function in dplyr
NHANES select(c("Weight", "Height", "BMI")) %>%
mutate(BMI_self = Weight / (Height / 100)**2)
The summarise()
function in dplyr
will create summary statistics for a given
column in the data frame, such as finding
the maximum, minimum or average.
For example, to compute the average weigth
of the civilians, we can apply the mean()
to the column Weight
and call the
summary value avg_Weight
NHANES summarise(avg_Weight = mean(Weight, na.rm = TRUE))
## the addition argument na.rm = TRUE makes sure to remove missing
## values for the purpose of calculating the mean
There are many other summary statistics you
could consider such sd()
, min()
, median()
, sum()
, n()
(returns the length of vector),
(returns first value in vector),
(returns last value in vector) and
(number of distinct values in vector).
We will elaborate on these functions later.
Note that choosing the most informative summary statistic is very important! This can be shown with the following example;
In this sudy, men and woman were asked about their “ideal number of partners desired over 30 years”. While almost all subjects desired a number betweeb 0 and 50, three male subjects selected a number above 100. These three outliers in the data can have a large impact on the data analysis, especially when we work with summary statistics that are sensitive to these outliers.
When we look at the mean, for instance, we see that on average woman desire 2.8 partners, while men desire 64.3 partners on average, suggesting a large discrepancy between male and female desires.
However, if look at a more robust summary statistic such as the median, we see that the result is 1 for both men and woman. It is clear that the mean value was completely distorted by the three outliers in the data.
Another example of a more robust summary statistic is the geometric mean.
The group_by()
verb is and incredibly powerful function in dplyr
. It allows
us, for example, to calculate summary statistics for different groups of
If we take our example from above, let’s say we want to split the data frame by
some variable (e.g. Race1
), apply a function to the individual data frames
) and then combine the output back into a summary data frame.
Let’s see how that would look
NHANES group_by(Race1) %>%
summarise(avg_Weight = mean(Weight, na.rm = TRUE))
Now that we have all the required functions for importing, tidying and wrangling data in place, we will learn how to visualize our data with the ggplot2 package.
As you might have have already seen, there are many functions
available in base R that can create plots (e.g. plot()
, boxplot()
Others include: hist()
, qqplot()
, etc.
These functions are great because they come with a basic installation
of R and can be quite powerful when you need a quick visualization
of something when you are exploring data.
We are choosing to introduce ggplot2
because, in our
opinion, it’s one of the simplest ways for beginners to
create relatively complicated plots that are intuitive
and aesthetically pleasing.
R packageThe reasons ggplot2
is generally intuitive for beginners is the use of
grammar of graphics
or the gg
in ggplot2
. The idea is that you can construct
many sentences by learning just a few nouns, adjectives,
and verbs. There are specific “words” that we will need to
learn and once we do, you will be able to create
(or “write”) hundreds of different plots.
The critical part to making graphics using ggplot2
is the
data needs to be in a tidy format. Given that we have
just spend the last two lectures learning about how to
work with tidy data, we are primed to take
advantage of all that ggplot2
has to offer!
We will show how it’s easy to pipe tidy data (output) as input to other functions that creates plots. This all works because we are working within the tidyverse.
cheatsheetThe ggplot2 cheat sheet is a very handy list for looking up ggplot2 functions, see cheatsheet
function?As explained by Hadley Wickham:
the grammar tells us that a statistical graphic is a mapping from data to aesthetic attributes (colour, shape, size) of geometric objects (points, lines, bars). The plot may also contain statistical transformations of the data and is drawn on a specific coordinates system. ####
Terminology * ggplot - the main function where you specify the data set and variables to plot (this is where we define thex
variable names) * geoms - geometric objects * e.g.geom_point()
* aes - aesthetics * shape, transparency, color, fill, linetype * scales - define how your data will be plotted * continuous, discrete, log, etc
There are three ways to initialize a ggplot()
An empty ggplot object
<- ggplot() p
A ggplot object associated with a dataset
<- NHANES %>%
p filter(Gender == "male") %>%
or a ggplot object with a dataset and x
and y
<- NHANES %>%
p filter(Gender == "male") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Height, y = Weight))
The function aes()
is an aesthetic mapping
function inside the ggplot()
object. We
use this function to specify plot attributes
(e.g. x
and y
variable names) that
will not change as we add more layers.
Now we have initialize a ggplot object on a subset of the NHANES dataset. But the plot is still empty! To actually show the data, we will need an additional command, specifying which visualization type we want to use. Importantly, different types of visualizations will provide us with different types of information! This we will discuss in more detail in the following tutorial. For now, we will demonstrate how to generate a scatterplot.
Anything that goes in the ggplot()
object becomes
a global setting. From there, we use the geom
objects to add more layers to the base ggplot()
object. These will define what we are interested in
illustrating using the data.
For the NHANES dataset, we can for instance look at the relationship between a person’s height and weigth values.
<- NHANES %>%
p filter(Gender == "male", Age >= 18) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Height, y = Weight)) +
geom_point() +
xlab("Height (cm)") +
ylab("Weight (kg)")
## Warning: Removed 35 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_point()`).
We used the xlab()
and ylab()
in ggplot2
to specify the x-axis and y-axis
labels. Note that NA values were automatically
remove by the geom_point function.
ggplot2 also has a very broad panel of aesthetic features for improving your plot. One very basic feature is that we can give colors to the ggplot object. For instance, we can give different colors to the dots in the previous scatterplot based on a subject’s gender.
NHANES ggplot(aes(x = Height, y = Weight, color = Gender)) +
geom_point() +
xlab("Height (cm)") +
ylab("Weight (kg)")
## Warning: Removed 366 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_point()`).
This concludes the preliminary file. To see all of these tidyverse and ggplot functionalities in action, we will explore the NHANES dataset more thoroughly in the first tutorial.