Students are required to bring their own laptop with R version 3.6.0 or greater.

Please make sure that your computer’s hardware is sufficiently powered (>4 GB RAM, > 2 GB free disk space), that you have a working wireless card, and that you have administrator rights.

There are three options to work with the software:

  1. Install R/RStudio locally
  2. Using an online binder docker environment that launches R studio immediately. Remark: This tends to be unstable in combination with shiny Apps, the App gets disconnected when there is no browser activity in the App window.

1. Local installation

  1. Install R 3.6.0 or greater R/CRAN
  2. Install the latest version of Rstudio R/Rstudio
  3. To install all required packages, please copy and paste this line of code in your R console.

2. Getting started with online Docker image
